Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 309, Junkko, I want to marry you 1 reward 1

The Junkko and the emperor are looking at the sky, and the emperor immediately put her in her arms and left.

Obviously, the emperor did not expect this change.

The purple clouds rushed out of the room, sent a faint purple light, exceptionally conspicuous in the night.

After it rushed out of the Junkun Huang room, stopped in the yard, like something, after a few seconds, suddenly flying toward the most corner of the room in the yard.

Break through the window paper and fly into the room.

The purple clouds are fast, and the speed of the emperor is faster than it.

Just two people see it in the yard, I want to see what it suddenly occurs, what is going on.

Junko saw the rumor of purple clouds, browed tap.

Here ... is clearly red, saved the room.

The two exchanged the eyes, and the emperor held the monk, and the door was directly broken.

On the bed, the beautiful boy is still close to the eyes and has not woke up.

However, the corpse on his body has disappeared, and the pale face has a layer of blood.

It can be seen that the effect of Junko is very good.

After the purple clouds flew into the room, they directly turned into a violet light and did not enter the mouth of the beautiful man.

When the emperor entered the room and the Mo Jun, he saw this scene.

"what happened."

Before the Mochun, there was no trace of purple clouds before he stepped forward.

If the emperor grabs her hand, she will go to the beautiful man up and down his hand and search directly.

"It was absorbed by him."

The emperor saw that she wanted to do, and suddenly, she would like to pick up the baby from him, and her medicine is then searched by him.

"Don't touch the man, only I will touch me."

I think of her little hand once hopped on him, and the emperor is hot in the heart, and she bites the earrings of Junko, the voice is low.

"Go, don't think about it."

Junkuchi instantly learned what he thought and immediately booled his ear.

Then I looked at the beauty of the bed lying on the bed, and the Mochun is a small face.

I knew that this person would absorb the purple clouds, she said nothing would make red rescue him.

Junkko is sorry for purple clouds, and the emperor looks at the beauty, the blood color is slightly smoldering.

Can absorb the purple clouds, unless ...

Things are really interesting!

Early the next morning, the red face was laughed.

The reason is nothing, because the American man who is saved by him woke up.

"This son, you are lying for so long, or I am lying, so I avoid hurt the body."

Chisa is placed in a bowl of chicken soup on the bed, and some is attentive.

In addition to the emperor and Junkko, he is still so attentive for others for the first time.

This is related to the question of his wife, can you not be attentive?

"Don't have, thank you."

The purple water is strong, and the roots in the brunette are soaked in the shine of the morning light.

His five officials are exquisite, a pair of purple and silk purple hair, but also a mystery for him all day long.

Although he is obeys, he still has some dizziness during the process.

But a burning trend of a heart, he wants him to get up, find a person, do an important thing.

Some ambitious, with the chicken soup in front of the bed, even the purple water went out and did not know.

At this moment, his heart has only one thought: Mom, there is still such a charm of a charm in the world, and it is even more powerful than the witch of the nine.