Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 315 must

"Is it too much? It's just too much. I just want to figure a quiet. What is the purple cloud, I don't know what you are talking about."

Junkko red lips set off a wipe.

The people of the moon, don't give her Wan beast invitation order, when I want to humiliate her, I don't think it is too much.

Her hit a little, is it too much?

As for purple cloud, she doesn't know how the month is known.

Anyway, that is not in her, she certainly can't recognize it.

Junkko said to Red Chi: "Depart."

Chisa according to the order of the Junkuo, pushing the cart to get out of the streets where the house is located, go to the city mainfare.

"Jun Mo, you will regret it! This lady tells you that the moon family has mastered the entire city owner, the masters, you think you have a powerful weapon that can boost the gate, thinking that there is a man who can rely on the month, monthly I am afraid of you!

"You can make my brother's legs, put this lady into serious injuries, my father will not let you go! You will give you to death, then you will smash your corpse!"

Month, Month, Junkko, and hurriedly threatened.

Banshed with her mouth is really a noise, and directly dumbdle.

Junko is quiet in the residence of the beasts, and is very close to the bustling zone of the Wan Beecheng City.

After the cart walked more than a dozen meters, I went to the wild street in Wan Beecheng.

The people in the streets are like woven, and the people of the people who are pushing a car are not a few steps, they have attracted most pedestrians.

"Hey, this person seems to be a big lady!"

A resident of one of the beasts pointed to the month of the month lying in the car, exclaimed.

Month, thousands of times, hurry to hang down, in a small hand truck, her hands cannot be blinded.

I can only shrink the neck and I can't suree my face on the chest. I don't let others come out.

She is a big lady in the wilderness, and if it is now recognized, it is too shameful!

Subsequently, the moon is quite heartless, and some people immediately refuted.

"How can it be! Miss big is noble, strength is high, how could it fall to this level, just as well!"

This woman in the trolley, the body is twisted into a strange shape.

The face is white, the hair is fluffy, and the clothes wrinkles are full of blood. It is completely unfolded with the noble and arrogant masters in their impression.

It is also no wonder that someone is not willing to believe that this person is the month.

But God will not let the moon have a full face.

"But ... that person also seems to be two young grandfather! Yes, these people in the trolley are all the clothes of the moon home, this two are really a big lady and the second grandfather!"

Some people have an eye, find the ni, and immediately exclaimed.

"Yes, it is indeed the downtime!"

"Who is so big that it is so big, and it turns this to make this sister and two young masses!"

"Wow, this person must be this brother, it is too fierce! Admire!"

The pedestrians on the street looked at Red and exposed a very good look.

Most of them are the residents in the beasts. The moon family does not have all the people, the month, the month, the month, the three people often in the city, the city is unattended, cross overbearing.

Most residents are not three children like Moon Jin.

In the minds of these people, the Wan Beecheng was brought by Zijing leaders.