Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 438, witness the moment of miracle

In this way, her mental power will be exhausted, and she must come up with a solution as soon as possible.

At this moment, Junkou Huang just shifted to somewhere, and a taste similar to stinky egg drifting into her nasal cavity.

Among the air here, there is a rich and humidity.

The Junkko's eyes suddenly and shines, quickly moved to the direction of this odor.

The 198th killer is still following her behind her.

The grove in this direction is more than a dense, and the trunk branches are particularly more.

Eighty-nine flowers closed his wings, and slowed down, and opened a distance from Junko.

After the Kunkko, after a few hundred meters, the moisture in the air and the odor egg flavor were more obvious.

After five minutes, the dense forest disappeared, suddenly suddenly opened in front of him, a large swamp appeared.

The swamp is filled with viscous mud with various rotted leaves, and there is a black bubble in the slurry to appear, and then cut.

Among them, the murderer of the swamp is the largest, and the smelly egg of the eggs of the soul is filled throughout the swamp.

If it is usually, Junko is absolutely far away from this taste.

But now she looks at the scene of the eyes, and she smells this rich taste. Her lips have hooked a smile and take a deep sucking.

This concentration is enough!

According to the environment around the swamp, this swamp is not deep.

Always in the mountains, the sludge of biogas in the swamp is not easy to spread.

It's a treasure!

Instantly shift to the swamp with the fastest speed, Junku Huang jumps, directly jumping into the center of the swamp, the black bubble is most.

Her body is quickly sinking, less than half a minute is completely engaged.

After the body, the 19th killer stepped on the swamp in front of the Warcraft, just saw that the Kunkko was submerged by the swamp, only the heads were also revealed in the air.

When he rushed to the swamp, the viscous mud slammed the bubble, she has been completely engulfed by the swamp.

Eighty-nine drums to make the flying World of Warcraft at the foot, fly to her jump into the place,

The huge flying blade of the palm of the palm, went to the center of the swamp.

He is already a hundred percent, and Junku Huang is no way, do not want to be cut off his neck, so I chose myself.

However, the destroyed Tianlou regulations, after the murder task, the killer must personally bring back the title of the mission target, otherwise it will fail to fail.

This swamp is not deep, waiting for him to kill her, wait for her body, and the task will be completed.

I thought about the 89th, a pair of eyes in the swamp, see if there is a blood.

It's now!

Originally, the Kunkko in the center of the swamp suddenly appeared on the shore of the swamp.

She is squatting on the ground, the black thick mud with black shore is integrated.

The beautiful little face is also a thick mud.

The strong smelly eggs are flavored with thick mud, covering the breath of the Junko.

In this case, even if the gods of the 89th, I can't find it.

What is the attention of him at this moment, all in the midst of the swamp.

She holds a sniper rifle in her hand, one hand, launching the power of the routine, a layer of white junction to wrap her head, like an astronaut's helmet.

Prepare for work, there is a smile in the eye of the Yoguo.

Next, it is the moment of witness the miracle.