Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 589 March 5

The onlookers saw the four major golds of the Wendongge, began to worry.

They determined her strength in the first-order period in accordance with the performance of the Junkko.

The first-order and cultivation of the spirit, the second order, seems to be a first order, in fact the combat effectiveness, but it is more than one dou.

Of course, it is not necessary to follow the cultivating of the cultivation that Lin Hao stacked with Dan medicine.

So they have already determined in my heart, and Junkko is completely impossible to be the opponent of these four people.

Most of these students themselves are the middle and lower school students of the college, and they dare to go to Long Lingling theory for Junkuo, but they will never dare to give her sin.

"I heard it, Junkou Huang, I can't help but apologize, say that you have filled Miss Wending Yun! Go to my brother's coffin before ringing!"

Tong Tong Yang Yang is raging, and he is gotting down.

The sorcerer in my heart, I found out the mouth.

I know that when she saw the bodies of the younger brother, she was almost angry.

"Su Ziyun is why your brother is also, why do you want me to apologize.

Junfeng is not aware of danger, dragging the squat, and looks curiously.

The students around him heard a squat, this is what she knew that she fled this robbery, so I broke the tank.

"You! Four, directly, don't be polite!"

Tong Tong thought she would succinct clothes, did not expect her attitude so arrogant.


Junkko finally had actions, raised the hand, made a stop, slowly stood up from the chair.

"How, Junku, you are finally afraid! Then just apologize!"

Tong Tong saw her suddenly shouted, and the face was resumed.

Oh, Junkko is proud, and in front of the absolute strength, she is still afraid!

"You think too much. The place here is too small, it is not convenient to play, you have to go outside."

The Junkko is speaking, and the lips, pick up the romantic seeds on the table, and go out of the hospital door.

"Hey, not self-strength, Junchun, can you remind you, four big gold is not a small casting first level, you will wait to be serious, can't climb, can't get up! "


Junkuchi actually wants to challenge the four big golds of the Wendong Pavilion, it is not a foolish!

Going out, you can make more people to see the willing, the monarch, the snow, the four major golds, just gave a vomiting blood, just saved the face of Weaving Clouds!

The Tung Trous traveled straight from four major gold to the hospital door.

The surrounding students have a look at me, I see you, some hair.

Looking at the Kunkko, I don't care, I can't make her true? !

But how is this possible, the other party has four mid-term masters of four castings, since these four people have become the four major golds of Wending Cloud Pavilion, it will inevitably cooperate with nature, and the combat power will naturally last.

Many students shook their heads, and I think that Junkko is probably not wanting to have a face, in hard support.

"You don't know how to die, you will die!"

"Dance is the face to live!"

One of the small part of the student, disdain.

They did not have any intersection with Junkuo, and they did not have to have the benefits of her transform and refinery.

Just I heard that she has moisturine lotus seed in her hand, and come to buy, of course, it is impossible to maintain her.