Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 861 Overseas Salad 3

"What, you said that the nine pharmacists are the students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy, is not two elders out of the hand ?!"

It is incredible to catch this person's shoulders, and the face is unbelieited.

Thousands of college students, how can this strength!

That is the elite of the four-way, the first generation of the drugstore.

A group of efforts but the waste of the Thousand Fantasy Colleges, the elite of the pharmacist, and the elite of the medicine home is like cutting melons, which is simply casual, which is simply in the world!

"Yes, even the clouds of the Thousand Fantasy Academy did not have a hand, it is a person who kills those students. Moreover, the second wave of medicine family is killed by them."

The person returned to the report was pulled out in the mouth of the medicine.

Thinking of the bloody scene of the front sword, blood splash, this lucky old brother couldn't help but whiten, and the whole body was trembled.

His fingers lifted, and ten bodies were removed from his spatial ring.

The drug family listened to this, and then saw that ten bodies were none.

They immediately recognized that this ten people were the ten seed players who saw the thousands of magic colleges before the second wave.

Think about it a few days ago, this ten people were still a fresh life, but now it is lying here to the cold body stiffly lying here.

The two elders and Yun Hao did not shoot, the waste of the thousands of Fantasy, when is there such a terrible combat power!

"Jun Jun Mo will bring these bodies back, and then tell the master, and the pharmacist is ready to make such preparations."

The survivor was seriously injured, and the medicine was pinched, and even the speech was intermittent, it was very difficult, and a look at home is the same.

"No, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible! There must be another hidden love here. You are in nonsense. It is definitely not the Chinese students who will kill people!"

Lin Yan first couldn't accept it. He came to directly kicked this person down to fly the World of Warcraft.

Junkko has now become a waste, how can it be able to kill the medicine family!

And that waste, actually, to turn all the pharmacists into the body!

Lin Yan is absolutely unacceptable to this fact.

The poor brother was suddenly kicked off the Warcraft, and after a scream, fell a few hundred meters high, he died directly.

For Lin Yan's move, the medicinal steps and other people of the drug home are not discouraged, because they don't believe this person.

But after half a day, another drug-friendly survivor who was seriously injured was once again.

This survivor is the third wave of the pharmacist to intercept the seed player of the Thousand Fantasy College.

His encounter and storytelling is exactly the same as the first survivor.

They are all confident to kill, the result is to be strong to kill.

In the first survivor, the drug family did not believe, the second survivor's words, the drug family has begun to shake.

The first person is lying, is the second person lying?

The first person is another hidden, the second person encounters the battle?

Not very seen.

Even if the Thousand Fantasy College is ready to be ahead, it is also necessary to accurately count the time location.

Four times, the Thousand Diseases could not be able to calculate the time and place of the drugist sneak attack.