Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 878 Chapter of Funeral Dog 1

The colleges of the Thousand Fantasy Colleges have been angry about Fei Yunzong, and I can't wait to pull up the sleeves.

But seeing two elders, can only swallow this breath.

Feiyunzong, they remember.

A group of strength is only sixth-order, and more than half of the strength is only such a three-order person.

When the star force ranking is ranked, these people will be smashed.


The first opening ridicule of the old man opened again.

"Thousands of Fantasy, this time I can't stop the title of Samsung forces, what qualifications are in front of us Fei Yunzong."

The old man said, and the trail came from the front of the people to the front of the old man, and thoroughly squeezed the thousands of magic colleges behind.

And throw a fist size of purple spar to the middle-aged manager of the city responsible for the reception.

Middle-aged people took over a purplestite, I saw a purple light, dyed his pair of black pupils became purple, and a face showed an extremely charming look, and the flying Yunzong's own people will come in.

The old age of Fei Yunzong directly threw a piece of fist size of the millennium to the middle-aged persons responsible for the major forces reception in the city.

"It turned out to be the disciple of Fei Yunzong and the disciple of Guizong! Oops, watching Guizong's disciples flying, the strength is not good, all of them are Chinese dragon phoenix, really envy! Please please The owner of the city has long arranged for Gu Zong to rest. "

Feiyunzong's young disciple, more than a large half of strength is not enough.

What strength is not good, people are Chinese dragon phoenix, obviously a slap.

However, the three elders of Fei Yunzong listened very well, and he rewarded a pyrocolite in the middle-aged manifest.

A young youth under the hand is anxious: "Hey, everyone, you are gone, what about the thousands of artists."

"A group of poor ghosts that have no money, where to go, but also to teach you!"

Middle-aged people looked at the people of the Thousand Fantasy Academy at a glance, and the people of Fei Yunzong entered the Star City.

"Hey, keep up with it, what to stay. Star City is very big, you will be troublesome, you will be troubled."

Middle-aged people's attitude, let the youth responsible for the reception of the Thousand Fantasy Colleges look down on.

The people of the Thousand Fantasy College were originally angry, and they saw this difference.

But I saw that the two elders did not have the meaning of the episode. Everyone is not good, and the anger follows the youth into the city.

Originally, everyone is very curious in the Star City, under the annoying, the scenery in the city is too lazy to see.

After half an hour, the youth led them through a bustling street, came to a garden-intensive residential area, stops before the garden gate.

There is a wooden sign in front of the gate, and the book: "Thousand Fantasy College" four big words.

Youth is a finger, the tone is proud: "This is the accommodation before the star force ranking competition, the things inside are expensive, and the grass and one wood is particularly famous, all have records, you can don't stock Fortunately, I didn't know if I secretly took the star city. "

After he finished, no matter how people in the Thousands of Fantasy, the trails were self-discovered.

"Hey, I have opened my eyes, there are some precious things in it!" Look at the night welfare movie, please pay attention to WeChat public account: okdytt