Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1028 1000 Success Method 2

The fear of the heart of Amia is the ultimate, watching the pity of Junko.

Its voice has not fallen, and the satiety in the abdomen is getting stronger and stronger.


Amiao directly played a big full, there were several groups of highlights flew out from its mouth, and the luminescetal elements of the abdomen were small.

These brightly swayed in the phoenix space, and fell to Junko and the old turtle.

Baby, it turned out to be a green jade simple.

Junkko has been screamed, and these jade simbs are recorded.

They are all grades and metaxite skills, including most of the metaphysics, is being used for students who are for thousands of magic colleges.

If the level of exercises is too high, their cultivation can't understand.

"Don't be afraid, this is just the normal process, waiting for you to spit out enough jade silk, it will restore the original."

Junko is comfortable in the scared state in the knowledge.

"Okay, master."

Amiao didn't know what happened, heard the comfort of Junkuo, it was letting it.

The owner is definitely not deceived.

Next, the fullness of the abdomen of the Amia is getting stronger and stronger, and it is constantly hicked, but the heart is no longer panic.

Every time you snoring, there will be a pile of jade flying out of these practices.

As a piece of jade is constantly flying out, the abdomen of the Amia is getting smaller and smaller, and finally after the first thousand jade is spit out, the abdomen of the Amia is restored.

Then, it is rapidly narrowed from a giant tree and reforms into a small seedlings.

Amiao has an angry and weak, and continuously spitting a thousands of jade books that record ordinary practices. It feels that he is already a disabled.

"This time I have worked hard."

Junku Huang put the unsuccessful Amiao hit the hand, reached out and touched it, fed it to point the spirit.

Amia has become a full body, but it is not a spirit than just the yellow seedlings just.

Amiao reached out of the leaves, saving a finger of Junkko: "The owner, can people can mention a small requirement."

One thousand ordinary skills, very large energy consumption.

But good in the wood element essence of the old turtle, this consumption is all made up, and it is a bit amazing.

"Let's talk."

"There is an opportunity in the future, please allow me to hang the turtle predecessors!"

The tone of the Amia is full.

Only in this way can I report the enemy that has always been booked!

"As long as you have a chance, follow you."

Junkko is completely unreliable to be a benign interaction between Warcraft and plant pets, and it is not possible to promote each other's strength.

On the side of the silver moon, gave the old turtle a gloating eye.

The old turtle instantly felt that the turtle shell was tight, and then he looked at the Mianyi.

Not afraid, the plant is not as good as Warcraft, Amiao or the auxiliary department in the plant system, main use is the production practice, not fighting, the combat power is weaker.

As long as it pays attention to the point, Amia will never have a chance.

Junku Hui gave Amiao a lot, and the jade of a thousand records of the practice is coming to the work.

These jade simbs are the first batch of giant spurious, all of which are Huang-level metaphthalm.

Among them, the Xuanyuan jade slip has seven hundred, and the yellow jade is simple.

These jade simbs can be reused for different people, and it is more than enough for the Thousand Fantasy College.

Pavilion is still the old one person is watching.