Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1220, Many Junkou 4

The cubbber of the Mozu can use the identity of the proprieties into the waterglous mountain, then how can she go in?

Junku Huang is thinking about how to get into the water mirror mountain, and implement a stealing plan.

In the Phoenix Emperor, Nishi and Blue have been using the Huang Yu space to observe the outside world, so that there is danger to tell Junkko.

"Not good, the hostess, go!"

Suddenly, Nishi discovered anything wrong, reminding the King's Mo.

The words of Red Chi just finished, there is a sharp pressure to break, like X-rays, sweeping to the Junkou.


On the top of the watergoroscope mountains, he suddenly came from the elderly.

A white blade, if lightning, accompanied by this drunk, flying to the Junkko.

A sense of urgency, shrouded to the Junkko whole body.

The Junkuo's eyes are slightly smashed. She is far away from the top of the top of the five fingers, and she will be hidden clean and clean, and they are still found!

Sure enough, it is the strongman of Yuanzong.

The white blade of the old man, broke, and turned over a thousand meters away, only one hundred meters away from the Junko.

The crisis feels, and Junko immediately leaving.

The white blade formed by the aura is almost rubbed on her clothes, falling to the top of her standing.

After a while behind, the place where Junkou is standing, and the nearby trees become a piece of wood in this explosive aura.

Junkko, who successfully escaped, did not stop, with the power of the spirit of the soil, with her transient, launching the soil, two kilometers of one-time transient, leaving the first peak.

The strong person who guards the realm of Yuanzong is too generous. The general Yuanzong is strong. In this case, she should not find her.

The strong people of this Yuanzong must cultivate some special tracking skills, or some kind of tracking method.

Continue to stay here, it is the rhythm of life.

Junkou Huang urgently takes quick way, returning to the second peak.


The two Yuanzong in the top of the mountain saw the attack mistake, Junku Huang ran away, an old man screamed, moving towards the direction of Junkko fled.

There is also a strong man in the Yuanzong, preventing the Junkko, there is a group of tags to use tiger from the mountain, staying down.

"Ginger is old, do we want to chase?"

The rest of the black people who guarded the Watergorns Mountain saw this situation and asked the old man who left.

This old man has been more than two hundred years old, and the face is a bark pleat.

"What chase is chasing, keeping here. Whether it is a small thief of a Yuanjian, Yu Chang always will catch people immediately."

The face is old, the ginger of the bark, smiles.

It has also never been successful to the Shuiyuti Mountain, and even the strong people in the Yuanzong in other forces are no exception.

However, how this little thief is mixed, it is necessary to investigate.


The situation of Junko is very bad at this time.

Under the pursuit of this Yuanzong's strong, Junkko found that her hundreds of tens of uncomfortable transients were somewhat.

Her momentum cooperates with the power of the land of the soil, transiently moved several times, successfully escaped the first peak, and the waterglass mountain has been hungry, and it is still firmly locked by the incense behind him. After chasing it.

Such a strong sense of such as Yuanzong, that is, the balance of Jiang Longkou, while chasing the Junkko, he continuously issued a white blade attack.