Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1485

This magic girl said his achievements and tone more proud.

"That is to say, you just span the threshold of the primary registra?"

This time, Junkko did not hold back.

Not her smile, forgive her, she really can't help.

Love the house and Wu, because the emperor Ling Tian's sake, Junkko did not look at the meaning of light and nine.

On the contrary, she believes that the Mozu in the Jiuqi is very powerful in all aspects.

Just now, the Jinling of the refiner, although it lost to her, but also proved this.

The witch on the game, said that he is so powerful, and Junkuchi thinks that she is at least a median.

As a result ... but the rookie who joined the primary staff threshold, even her is not as good.

In the ten days of black boat, under the talents of the emperor, the speed of Junkuo learned was particularly fast.

She has learned all the congratulations of the primary Valuer to finish all the combination of the rune strokes.

Is this powerful law? !

"What happened to the primary nurser, don't look down on people, you will not even have a primary nurse, you will not come out!"

This Mozi girl saw that Junkuo did not agree, instant anger.

The Moistological learning perseverance of the Jiuqi, which is very difficult, and it is not possible to have one million in the talent magic.

She began awakening talents from seven years old, and hard working hard for thirteen years, and finally entered the primary analyte.

Other Mozu, which have a talented magic, not necessarily learned the top five runes of the primary rune book.

So this Moist girl is very proud of their achievements.

This Junkko, she didn't feel the unique reputation fluctuations in her body as a nurser or apprentice apprentice.

It is not a matter of persons, but I dare to laugh at her, I just didn't put her in my eyes!

"Well, what are you talking about, you said that I won't, I will not."

Junko does not want to waste time with her.

She took out a blank jade from the space ring and took the rune pen.

Brush brush, the aura flows through the rune pen, after a few seconds, she will engage the desired.

Junkko's aura locks this magic girl, and will only draw the jade of the jade.

Next moment, the space around the Mozi girl appeared.

A transparent fist consisting of aura suddenly appeared, a punch in the mouth of this magic girl.

The magic girl was directly taken out, and the wolf fell below.

"Next person."

Junkko patted the jade crumble on his hand, and even looked at the magic girl.

The audience was stunned.

There is only one idea in everyone's heart ... Junkko, she is still a teacher!

She refineries have been shocked in their hearts, and she didn't expect that she was even more powerful.

They don't understand what to understand, but seeing her brush brush and portrait a jade, this speed and proficiency, enough to kill the intermediate senior Nurser in any nine-nimborn.

Double talent, inquiry, and refining workers.

She is very bright in the refiner and the performance ...

This genius, I am afraid I can't find it at the Jiuqian.

In the main hall, some Mozu looked at the Kunkko, and the eyes had already exposed the color of worship.

The eyes of the emperor are really good.