Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1644 You don't have to be afraid

It is sufficient to collect the specified quantity in their respective time.

Other volunteers have their own luck, and the first-level assessment is not a problem.

Junkko, everyone's mood is very good.

Only Mo Ya except.

She stands outside the palace, everyone goes in, only she has not entered the cold night cold.

"Girl, is there a body is not suitable. I have a lot of medicinal herbs here, we can wait for you to adjust it."

The wind nights saw she stood outside the palace door, and her face entangled.

He took the initiative to walk around Mo Ya, took out more than ten white jade bottles.

Dan medicine is installed in each white jade bottle.

The wind is cold and the opponent is still not familiar, and there is no intimate to give her the degree of pulse.

He has to take all the space rings and the healing of Dan medicine, let Mo Ya , see which one she needs.

The first time the assessment time is to enter the stone door before starting.

The wind night is completely not carefully waiting for her to stand outside Shimen.

Even really wasted, they sucked 149, time is very plenty.

Mo Yao hurriedly waved: "Thank you. I am not uncomfortable, just because my strength is too low, it is a bit nervous."

She is really nervous, but it is definitely not because of its own strength.

But because of the wind nights in front of you.

It is about to enter the stone door and the wind is alone, and Mo Yao has found that she just said the so-called normal heart, all ghosts.

"You don't have to be afraid."

The cold eyes of the wind is slightly flashing. She is afraid that she is afraid of dragging her legs in the first assessment.

He wants to say "You don't have to be afraid, you won't drag me", but this is not very polite, and it is suspected of disappointing each other.

Therefore, the wind nights can only say a short.

But this sentence is transmitted to the ear of Mo Yizhen, but it is like a flattening.

Mo Ya's face suddenly changed, it was trembling.

At that time ... he said so.

"Girl, you ..."

The windy night cold saw that she suddenly turned white, and he did not know the worry in the tone.

"I am fine, let's go in."

Mo Yazhen is trying to recover his emotions. She has decided to forget all this, what happened at the time, this person said, and she is not coherent.

She only took him as a stranger.

Mo Ya tang straight straight back, took the initiative to go to Shimen's door.


The wind is cold, I don't understand why she abnormally emotions, the two sides are not familiar, nor do they ask.

In Mo Yao and the wind nights, walk into the stone door.

Like everyone, they come to a special space.

The positions they came are under the foot of a ridge.

Gray rock distribution is messy, pointed rocks, such as dog teeth, on the rocks of the ridges, a transparent water elements.

As long as the direction of the ridge is in the direction of the ridge, you can take the water element Lingjing.

Mo Ya's rough looks at it, found that these water elements are almost all water-based water elements.

The product of the product is in the lamination, mixed with some Lingjing, which is high than the top water element.

The quality of the top water element is also high, can only be the legendary communique.

Mo Ya Yingliang turned out of the same spirit, the special Lingjing, whether it is the baby who has not born in the hatching, can also send a large use.