Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2029 She 1 counter

In this way, in order to help the emperor Lingtian, guard the important people around you. Mobile phone M.

Human Emperor of Eight Party, she must do it.

"That's good, Huang, grabs me, we have to go."

Emperor Ling Tian Yu Yunku, his hands tightly, and the rich aura wrapped her in his foot.

The emperor launched a layer of land, and then set a thick-thick defensive nepher.

The front is a cliff, and Junkko does not know what the emperor is trying to do, but she is always trusting to the emperor, and she seizes him.

Emperor Ling Tian jumped with Junko, leaped the cliff.

The hurricane under the cliff whistling, and makes a wind blade and cuts in the rinter.

The dark green wind blade is hit by the knot, issuing a harsh friction, the wind blade will reach the rush, weaken.

Emperor Lingtian mobilizes all the aura of the gas sea, constantly thickening, to counteract the weakening of the blade.

At the same time, Emperor Lingtian puts up the wings.

Without the resistance of the wings, the two were rapidly falling down.

The vines rushed to the side of the cliff, looking down, the fog fogmed, and there was no trace of the two.

The wind blade of Yu Feng has been shaved, and there is no cold villain, and the whole body is sweating.

The fear of engraved in the bones, let her take a few meters away until it is far from the cliff, it will stop the footsteps.

This cliff is the seventh floor to endless black, and is the fastest shortcut.

The world knows that the endless black domain is just the first floor of the endless black domain, but it is not known that there is a seven floors in the endless black.

The bottom of the abyss is also the place where the vannoes are now, is the second floor of endless black.

The more down, with the increase of the number of layers, the number and quality of the treasure have begun to increase.

Especially the last layer, there is a secret that enables the human cultivator from the nine-one-yuan mission to the Yuanshen mirror, and it is enough to let the crown of the whole eight partial mysterious people.

But the last layer is also the most dangerous layer, there is a seven charm of the predecessor guardian.

The seven predecessors were the ancient existence of her mother. It is said that the power of the seven people's control has arrived at Tongtian, and it is smart and abnormal.

It is definitely not a yellow-haired head that can be hurt.

The emperor is now a successful strength of the nine-order grandities in the Yuanyuan Royal Highway, and also has a tower.

In this way, I dare to go to the seventh floor of the seven seniors to guard, and the vannoes must not help but knead sweat.

The vanes thought here, and the angries were angry.

Not a personal parade, the second floor of the endless black is passed, and the emperor can get it.

The reason why he doesn't dare to don't care, it is not afraid that she uses the rules of the law, and she is forcing him to repair him with her.

For her power of the law, it is unable to use the charm of the aura cultivation. It is double trimming in the Shengjing, which has the opportunity to re-restore the ability.

Emperor Lingtian's blood is very distinguished, and the strength is even more successful, and the double tribunition is a hundred percent of 100%.

Emperor Lingtian is really good to the woman, I would rather take a risk, and I don't want to sorry the woman.

When the emperor came into the endless black, her mother wanted to make this matter, and the result ended.

Since then, her mother has always been forgetting to the emperor, and there is a vine to the emperor.

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