Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2064

This time you have to let the emperor will learn some lessons, eat some bitterness, he knows her benefits.

After this, the white girl believes that the emperor will choose her for a while, and then hurt her.

Only her can meet the ambitions of the emperor to want a uniform world.

I have always been calm and self-suited, I saw the white light, and I hide the excitement.

The emperor is hit hard, and the eight-party Xuanjie is so important, and he will defeat and lose, and it is directly to him.

At this time, the white light in the giant pit is finally completely detached.

The white girl and Luozhen have changed their face.

Don't say that the emperor Ling Tian, ​​the hair of the Emperor Lingtian did not.

As for the Junkko, it is also disappearing.

"Hey, what is going on here!"

White girl can't help but scream.

"How can this be!"

Luo Yi's brow is screwed into the word "Sichuan", and when he is going forward.

He can't help but confirm it. In the giant pit, there is really no emperor's figure.

Luo Yan looked at the crystal pool on the side, transparent crystal stone in the crystal pool, exudes a white light from the natural light.

This crystal pool is the remains of the title, which is not any problem.

Why did he use the crystal nest to the full blow to the emperor Lingtian, still fleeted by the emperor.

It is to know that the power of the white light of the crystal pool is sufficient to suppress any power in the world.

Includes escape methods using transfer jade and open time and space.

What did the emperor do it? Is it that the weather is in the air?

This is impossible, the weather will not be able to use since the gods fall from the gods.

He does not believe that the emperor has this ability.

Luo Wei came to the Jujun again. This time he is spectile, soon discovered the traces of the gates of this surface.

"Emperor Lingtian!"

Luo Yan's lips, double boxing, the blue gluten on the back of the hand burst.

He didn't expect that Emperor Lingtian really had this possible.

From the size of the time and space, Luo Wei is only a small part of the sky, and he is not far away.

"Take the northwest direction!"

Luo is calm, and the order is issued.

He understood in his heart, he has lost the best opportunity to hurt the emperor Lingtian.

But today I can't hurt the emperor, he also left the woman's life.

Junkuo has been insulting the phoenix. I used to look at her a bit of a copy of it.

Now that Junkko is almost dead, there is no use value for him.

Also, I should have clear everything.

White girl walks forward: "I don't have to worry, I will help you."

"Huang, hard you."

Luo Wei fell to her head on the top of her head, couldn't help but reach gently.

His Phoenix is ​​now the emperor of the eight parties, chasing the emperor Lingtian, is not a light and easy.

White girl smiled slightly to Luo Wei.

How can this be called hard.

As long as you can kill the Junkko's woman in the face of the emperor, everything is worth it.

White girl reached out to care about the crown of the people, a white light flashed, she, Luo, 20 Ling family, and all the Ling national cultivars present, immediately disappeared in the same place.

Endless blacko.

Emperor Lingtian opened the door to the time and space in the end, and took off.

On the air, the golden row of Dragon, the emperor Ling Tian hugged the monk, and rushed to the northwest.

Leaving the crystal pool, the feeling of mightyness of the Junko finally disappeared.