Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2148 Legend

Luo Wei immediately took out a bottle of god-level cultural medicine.

He also took a piece of taking, directly opened the white jade bottle inward, and his hands were seriously injured, can't stop shaking.

After the next service, several bottle of the goddess medicine, Luo Wei's face was slightly improved.

He immediately took out a special sound jade.

This is a special jade in his contact with white girls, which can directly break through the short-space barrier between the mainland.

It belongs to the same level with the emperor and Junkuo.

Eight-party Xuanjie, white girls are proud.

It didn't take the first time to find her through the voice jade.

When she finally turned on the sound jade of Luo Wei, it was already a few minutes.

White girls have not spoke, I heard the extreme anxious tone of Luozhen from the sound jade.

"Huang, the situation is urgent, hurry back to the Tianling world, this king ..."

"The injured" three words have not been exported, and the white girl has interrupted Luo.

"Hey, I am very busy first, there is a very important thing to do it immediately, you wait for me for a few minutes, wait for us to say."

After the white girl was finished, the voice jade was directly cut.

Luo Wei saw the jade of the extinguish in his hand, the whole body was cold and cold.

Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mocho jointly attacked the same, and Luozhen consumed the most precious blood, and now there is no ability to use this special jade again.

White girl hangs in advance, she didn't know what happened in the nine peace of mind.

Junmeng will definitely retaliate her in the first time.

Luozhen saw the weapons and means in the hands of Junku, and the white girl must not be her opponent.

White girls are extremely dangerous.


Luo has burst into the collision, walking into his own study, pulling off a seam landscape painting on the wall, and put a red button.

Because of the urgency, Luo Yi's way makes great, putting the wall out of the wall.

One minute later, all the Ling nationality of the Yuanyuan Yuanyuan, all of the Ling nationality, appeared in the study of Luo Wei.

When they saw Luo Wei's face, the dust is full of blood, and the moment is very shocked, and Luo is surrounded, and the color is worried, ask him what happened.

"Fast, you divorrate the two roads, all the way to eight squares to pick up the gods, come back to the nine", take the nine "of the nine, will pick all the spirit people back! Bet! Emperor Lingtian and surnamed Jun The woman came back! "

Luozhen did not have that patience, telling them what happened.

The lings are very surprised to hear this news.

They didn't want to go back to the two people who entered the time and space storm, and the Luo was also made into this look.

The mission is urgent, and these spirits are in their fastest speed.

The Lingnian army took the nine-nine norms, and purified the Jiuqi to the environment with white crystals into the environment that was suitable for the Ling nationality, Luo Wei was confident, and the ordinary life of the Tianling community went to the nine. The new territory is open to the country.

On the side of the Jikhen's cultivation in the Jiu Ning, I settled in the nine talents, and I was prolonged, and I broke the land.

These spirits are mostly in civil people.

These civilian strength is still, but the combat power is not good.

The emperor returned to the sky, and these spirits were only murdered.

As for the grievance girl and Junkko, then it is more

The situation is very urgent, and the white girl is the heart meat of Luo.