Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2305 Women's Counterattack 2

"Our respects of our respects have never let us know, this shows what they have seen with the tribes, they will look at the children of the heavy dears, their children will replace our children, take over the entire tribe."

"Do you really want to see other women's children to grab our children's position!"

"Do you really want to save you when you have a small production?"

Mrs. Yuan looked at everyone, burned two anger.

She is very infectious, and the people of the ministers in the event are also burning in the heart of the bears.

"We are naturally unwilling!"

The fight against the betrayal is enough, how can they make this kind of thing.

The Ling people have always been clear, and they don't mean that they don't care about their own power.

The husband's wife of the ministers of all the people of the court was very high in the tribe, not the length of the family, is a high-ranking person.

They can't stand the position of their children, they are robbed.

The anger will be afraid of these ministers.

When I thought of there was a small number of signs, they also asked to help white girls, everyone felt nausea.

"Yuan sister, how do we do it."

Now, they all agree with Mrs. Yuan's practice, and the eyes are all excited to jump.

Mrs. Yuan said: "It is very simple, now let's go to Fengcheng, find the Jun Festival, will receive the spirit, and claim that our body is uncomfortable, indicating that the priests should be taken care of."

"What if the big priest and the intelligence priest come to people, even if we have the heart to be a priest, you can't resist the big priests and the THE Division."

A lady is worried, worried that this plan cannot be successful.

"Dear sisters don't worry, I have been arranged, and I have sent it to the voice of the sisters, and the sisters only need to do it."

"As for the safety problem, you don't have to worry. Everyone went to the style, I would let my nephew protect us with the elite of the country."

Mrs. Yuan took out the sound jade, the lips, the black eyes were all confident.

The lady present, and the people of the ministers immediately took out the sound jade, and lit with auction.

When you see the content sent by the Yuan Mrs, all the ministers of the ministers shine at the same time.

"Yuan sister, you are too powerful!"

"Yuan sister, this time we all listen to you!"

I have recovered myself on the face of these ladies.

Mrs. Yuan, but the foreigner of the farm, and the previous national family, with the right to make the entire track.

The Treaty was a cold fall from Luo, and the ancestors with the Mozu army were fighting with the Mozu, and there was no such thing as the arms of the arms. No elites were enabled.

The elite of other tributs has been broken in a contrade. This time with the beast is fighting, it will be taken away by Luo. Only the elite of the country is intact.

Nowadays, all tribes in the Lingdu are not as good as those, their safety is completely unfustively.

In this way, not only can the white girl lose half of the light source, they can also take the opportunity to make trouble, and vent the fire in their hearts.

In the hearts of everyone, they will leave to the Mrs. Yuan, and each returned to the tribe.

After a while, most of the big chickens in the Lingdu are jumped, and the dog is not unsuccessful.