Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2341 Chapter Emperor Lingtian's Princess

Luo Yan smashed his eyes and widespread.

"Ai Qing, first follow the battlefield, according to the original plan. This Jun guarantees that this one will pay you a fair."

Luo is traveler from the account, and does not look at the reactions of these ministers.

It is a matter of worrying to be a matter of every day.

Even if I have a whole family, I have to die, but also for the Tianling world, for him to fight to the last moment.

The minister of the Yuan Ethnic group stood up, heard the arms of the beasts suddenly attacked, the anger in the eyes had not completely subsided.

When the son was killed, he was already echoing in the brain, his wife and the bloody picture of the cruel injuries that had not born children were still playing in front of them.

The situation is urgent, and these ministers do their best, barely stabilize their emotions and began to act in accordance with the plan to develop by Luo.


Ling Palace.

The white girl woken away from the direct bed palace, and she had risen to the middle of the day, she suddenly woke up.

How can she be in her own palace, she knows that she is a night with the emperor in the garden before the palace.

Yes, last night she chatted with Emperor Lingtian and chatted with her.

White girl suddenly thought, his face was red.

It will not be ... I will not lying on her now.

If it is true, then they must have happened last night.

What to do, she has not yet let the source of the source of her, all of which exceeded her plan.

White girls are expected to be distressed, slowly look around, except for her, there is no other person.

The bed is flat, and her coat is still the one yesterday. Everything is what she thinks.

White girls are relieved and some lost.

Anyway, she is not in the pavilion now, definitely be in the palace that was held in Lingtian.

I think that the princess of the emperor, the white girl, a small face, can go to the dyeing work.

White girls have been covered with their lives, and they have a shame, they walked out of the palace.

This palace is her bedwood, which is connected to the garden. Her anti-interference comes will cover all the palace and the garden.

The white girl looked at the sky and was already close to noon.

I want to come to the big priest to grasp the priest of the surname, and have been tortured, and the big priest will definitely bring her in the Ling Palace.

When I think about the power of the source, the white girl will not wait to unlock the anti-interference comics.

"God! You finally declined!"

"After God, you are definitely on the day and night, so I don't want our disturb."

"After God, the big things is not good, last night, the big exemptions of the big pregnant women have a small birth of the pregnant women, and began to spread to various small and other tribes. Two teams have gradually made two teams in the spirit. Now The spirit is messy into a group, and the people are in the heart, please go to the palace to host the overall situation! "

White girls have just unknown, and the palace people in the Ling Palace are in front of the bee, and the seven mouths have said that the big events taken outside this night.

The white girl woke up, still afraid that the Emperor Ling Tian is deeply focused on his eyes, and he is with him.

The brain is completely turned to the people, and her brain is directly.

"What, you say it again." White girl stared at these palace people and said.

The people of the palace suddenly disappointed.