Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2589 Dear brother is ready?


The white man is in the golden light, and the meaning of the white girl is watching.

"I know, I know, I will do it!"

The white girl is busy.


The white man finally released her jaw. I grabbed two unkname fingers of her hands, took out a three-rib needle, and quickly and accurately tied two times.

Two no names of white girls immediately showed two blood caves, and there was no name, and she immediately sent a tragic voice.

White men put two drops of blood throughout the blood cave in the white jade bottle, like throwing garbage.

The white man leaving the white girl's love, and looks to the golden lotus flower that will wrap the origin of the source.

The last flap gold lotus petals were nourished by him, which had risen to the original ten double size.

He put the two drops of blood in the white jade bottle into the golden lotus petals.

The two drops of white girls were immediately absorbed by golden lotus petals.

The golden lotus petals sent a tremble, from the whole lotus, falling into the hands of the white men's bones.

The white man will throw one, the golden lotus petals, immediately turned into a golden flow, rushing into the depths of the holy pool.

The white man looked at the disappearance of the flow of flow, and the shape of the perfect lips evacuated a smile.

"Dear brother, the priest is open. The next thing is all, are you ready?"

"The younger brother, I am ready, this time, you will be able to defeat in my hand."

The white man is shaping, turned into a white residual, leaving the depths of the holy pool.

Next to the ruins of true gods, white girls suddenly wake up in tents.

She didn't forget the dream just did, and now her body is still shivering.

She looked up and saw two hands, there were two blood caves, scared.

This is not a nightmare, this is the man gives himself warning.

White girl is sleeping, running out of the tent, find Luo Wei.

She is preparing to give Luo Wei to check the seventh petal golden lotus petals, and a golden flow of the sky.

The golden flow is gorgeous to the extreme, and it will illuminate most of the sky.

"The brother, the seventh flap gold lotus flap is born, we will start!"

White girls thought of warning, a spirit of the heart, suddenly understood what this golden stream representative is.

"But these white sparsh ..."

Luo Yi still can't put the white spar in the ruins, maybe there is other good things in addition to the white sparse.

Emperor Lingtian didn't have a blessing to enjoy this. Since he hurts, it will be thorough.

"Let these Ling's excavation, brother, this petal petals is very important, we must rush to take it in front of it."

When the white girl, I thought that my eyes were light.

When did it, he is still making these broken stones.

In fact, this is really not geeled, starting from the white sponsored from his contact, these sparsons are invisible to him, let him take them.

Who can accept confusion that can accept unparalleled energy.

The last sentence of the white girl said, Luo Wei came out from the white lamons to his love.

He has a long arm, bringing the white girl, and the snow white lobby, immediately flying toward the direction of the golden stream disappeared.

"All of these white spices are all, completely explore this ruins, less lamons, and see it."