Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2609 is hugging

In addition to the white man, no one can see the emperor and the white fog.

However, the eyes of Emperor Lingtian can see all the circumstances of the outside world through white fog.

"Emperor Lingtian, you can live two minutes in your body. In these two minutes, we will wait and see, the Phoenix can't recognize you, reverse your destiny!"

White men finished, sitting on the stone wall.

After a second, he became a bloody, the blood, the breath, the breathing rhythm is disordered, and his face is pale.

The whole body is immersed in blood, and the blood is constantly emerging from the wounds under his chest.

The white man is perfect for the emperor, the temperament, the spirit, the breath, and the injury is exactly the same as the emperor.

He just did this, after two seconds, Junkko broke his black and fell to the bottom of the abyss.

White fog confused her eyes, Junko Phoenix passed by the emperor, and rushed to the white man who was disguised into Lingtian.

"Ling Tian! Ling Tian!"

Junko saw that he was blood, weakness, no longer can't help it, and there is tears in the eyes.

She is almost burning all the strength in black, and she found the export at the fastest time.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that she still didn't come.

"Ling Tian, ​​don't move, I will cure you."

Junkko first took several golden Dan medicine from the space ring, and moved directly to his stomach.

She immediately served the blood-added clothing, when she saw his chest wound, the pair of nice to the ultimate golden eyes poured more tears.

Junkuo strongly controls his emotions, hind the golden Dan medicine, sprinkle on the wound.

The back of the origin of the origin, the wound must stop bleeding, in order to do next to clean up.

Junko's movement is desirable, and the medicinal herbs have a lack of effectiveness, and it is not long after sprinkling, and blood is gradually stopped.

"Huang Chin ... Don't be sad."

White men did not think that she would cry.

I didn't think that the pair has always been clear and reasonable, and I will emerge in the look of weakness and extreme attachment.

Junkko is growing up, and the smudge clear eyes, and the little face of the pear flower, which is a fatal temptation to add fatal temptation.

For the white man, it is even more shocking than the appearance, and the Junko is in order to shorten the time, almost burn his strength.

She is now only the three-order strength of Narling.

The cultivation of the three-order, lowest continent, the minimum mainland, can easily reach this realm.

She is not only willing to take the initiative to Dynasty to take the initiative to fall into the abyss, but also willing to almost burning with him.

Such a thick friendship, he is really envious.

Never, no one is good for him.

If you are really with her, it will really be a particularly happy.

The white man incensely caught the incite, suddenly said: "Huang people distressed me? Let me hug you, let me hug, I will not hurt."

"Don't go!"

Junkko couldn't help him. Her eyes also took tears, this stunned without any deterrence, but more like being spoiled.

The white man can't help but can't help it, and she will not involve the injury and gently pull her into the arms.

Junko is careful to lean on his shoulder neck, and his hand is placed behind him, but he dares with him.

The white man puts the jaw in the top of the Junku Huang, and reached out slowly, the long hair of Junkko, crossing her to see the emperor Lingtian, the lips evacuated a smile.