Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2641 is beautiful

Ling people pregnant women are very satisfied with this place, before the child is born, I don't want to leave at all.

The windy and other spirits pregnant women are enjoying the sea in a flower sea in the canyon. Everything looks very calm.

But calm and soon be broken, the Mozun army flooded into it, stepped on the flower sea, grabbing the arm of the pregnant, and lifted them.

"You ... what do you want to do!"

Ling family pregnant women see this situation, panicked.

Other Lingren immediately forward, I want to stop the movements of the Magic Mad!

They are limited, how could be the opponent of the Magic, the army.

Soon, all Chinese people were caught their arms and tied to the canyon.

The scene is confusing.

The Yuan family got rid of the clamping of the Mozun army, rushed to the canyon, and found a softness.

The wind is softly grabbed by the two Mozu, take the arm, take the canyon.

The Yuan family will rescue the wind from the two magic people.

"What is Fu Jun, what is going on?"

Recently, the Moz has always been well along. It is very good to their attitude. It has begun to change the engrave impression of the Moist in the hearts.

The wind is soft, why did the Moz have suddenly doing this to them, there is no sign at all.

"Is such that……"

The Yuanyuan long-term talete said that things will be said softly.

"What, you said that your time has not helped the Magic Army attacking the Ling national army, and the weakness of Linger's army is not willing to disclose a sentence ?!"

The wind is softly, and it is incredible to look at the Yuan family.

The Yuan family said: "Buffell, you also know that, although we return to the priest, it is essentially a spirit, this kind of hazardous compatriots, do not do."

"Wireless! Fu Jun, you forgotten what I said to you! Jun priest is the real Qianhuang, we have been checked by the woman!"

"You tell the magicity of the weakness of the Ling national army, the Mozu breaks the Ling National Army, and you can know that all Ling people will know the true identity of the Jun Shui, so that the priests will take over the Tianling world. The real is good! "

The wind is soft, the long-term, this is the time, and it is almost angry.

The Yuan family argues to defend himself: "Buffal, this is just your estimation, whether the priest is not known, and I feel that I am in the order ... No, Luo Yi will admit mistake ..."

"Enough! You said, you are willing to disclose the weaknesses of the Ling national army to the Mozu ?!"

The wind is softly interrupted, and a pair of purple eyes are sure to look at the Yuan family.

"This, I ... soft, this is not."

The Yuan family did not expect that the wind is directly let him choose, he thinks his reasons is enough.

"Very good! This is your book, take good."

The wind has taken out a book from the space ring and thrown into the long arms of the Yuan family.

This book, you have already gave it before the wind.

"Buffal, you ... you are doing, good end, why do you want to take a book!"

This book, directly let the Yuan family bow.

"Dear, I have already discarded the Yuan Ethnicity, and there is no relationship with the Yuan Ethics and the whole house. I am willing to follow the priest!"

The wind is soft, I don't know where, I pushed the Yuanyuan family, and I shout loudly with mycholeum.

In an instant, the sound of the sound, spread throughout the whole canyon, and passed into the ear of everyone.