Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2776 is about to born

The legendary gods and gods, the heart is moving, and a look can take human life, not the legend.

"Boss, help, then go on this, we must be buried into the soil, and they are directly dead."

Feng Yunzhen can't even say a word, can only contact the Junkko through the password.

"Ah, it's really sorry, forgot the pressure."

Junko's heart is moving, and the percentage of the Yun Yun et al. Is dissipated.

She has now advanced to the five-order period of the Yuan Dynasty, and the emperor Ling Tianyuan is sixth-order, naturally, it is no longer to be able to bear it.

The two people withdraw the stupid, and everyone will freely.

They are now inquiring how many orders have been successfully promoted, and they will be placed in the cultivation state immediately, and they will kick kicked the aura and qi.

In this way, they will definitely leave a serious sequelae.

Junku Huang looks to the arm bending the anti-phoenix, she and the emperor rely on the source of the source of the baby to promote the birth of the baby, and has fully owned self-insurance.

Now, there is still half a month from the birth of daughter, and there are two mainland fragments that have no return, everything is coming.

A slight sound, breaking her thoughts.

In her arms, the phoenix crystal is constantly smashed, nor does it know that it is too fierce or other reason, and there is a crack on the surface of the black crystal.

The crack is fast, and the spread is fast.

The rack of rubbing and screamed, and five cracks occurred on the phoholic surface.

Junkuo looks at the emperor, and his daughter is born in advance!

The problem is that the Tianji continent has not been rebuilt.

"Don't worry, Huang children, let me come."

The emperor pinched her hand, and the long arm was exhed, changing the monk, and flying into the high altitude.

The trident appears in his hand, a large number of heaven and earth moisture.

The trident broke out of the eucalyptus, filled with the whole phoenix.

"Everyone will go to the mother to stay there."

Junkko saw it and immediately said to Feng Yun.

The woman is located, no matter how it is destroyed, it can restore the original situation immediately, is suitable for them to temporarily avoid.

Below, the clouds, they just let the fumes in the body, the appearance is unambiguous, and the fastest speed to the red woman.

They don't know what the emperor is doing, but this is a big event.

The two people are almost seriously injured, this kind of big event, they still hide well.

In the phoenix space, the light representing the soil of soil is getting more and more prosperous.

The two light columns rushed to the sky, and they directly broke the phoenix space and entered the void.

One light column is coming to the mysterious place of the Eight Party Xuanjie, the other place, and goes to the east.

Eight-party Xuanjie is very close to Tianling Community. The first light column is a mysterious zone of the endless black domain center, and the whole endless black domain is draped.

The center mysterious zone directly out of endless black domain, is pulled by the light column, flying to the phoenix, and fused with the Phoenix jade space.

The center mysterious zone is the existence of the Junkko and the emperor's promotion of the Yuan Dynasty.

The center mysterious zone is in contact with the Phoenix jade, the area is suddenly increased by 100 times.

The movement of the fusion is the largest of all continental fragments.

For a time, the Huang Yu space landscapped, except for the red jade woman, all the landforms in the Phoenix jade varnish.