Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2925, Unknown Bottom

"To the yang, the problem!"

The black dragon is not allowed to breathe, and you will have a bull, and a sentence is divided into two sentences.

"What, you are clear, what is the problem of yang in the end!"

All black dragons in the palace changed, the ancestors' old rushes come to the front, and they will hold people's clothes, and they are like swords, as if they want to be half a half in the future.

This person is to arrange guards from other two elders, and this person is panicked, it means that the yang is hovering.

"The ancestors are old, just now, I don't know what is going on, I originally good-to-yang cyclone started, and suddenly, I was going to fall."

The black dragon who guards to the Yangwei is like a chick. It is generally raised by the ancestors, and the cold sweat he even has come, and it is not concealed, and a brain will take things and disk.

The ancestors listened to this news and immediately threw this person on the ground, and then rushed to the direction of the yang.

After the body, the two elders, four black dragon kings, etc., immediately followed.

To the yang, the black dragon group is too important. If you go to the yang airfilm, fall in the hands of the nine phenantry phoenix, or missing, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The black dragon is like a wind, and it will be turned to the depths of the Black Dragon Palace.

Under the black dragon palace, hundreds of fertilies have a deep place, there is a huge live volcano, the blazing hot air roasts the surrounding stone wall, and the crash in the crater is hurting red magma. It seems to be sprayed at any time.

Here, it is a Heilong family hidden to yang.

The yang is hovering over the crater, and the gas is sent to the Yangzheng, nourishing the volcano.

The whole group is floating at this moment, like an invisible big hand continues to drag, and will leave this place at any time.

The black dragons who came to the grandmother came to see this, and the colors were worried.

The Black Dragon family was given birth to the Yangtze River, and they had emitted to yang cyclones from the gas of the Yang. They could not touch it.

The arrogance of the sun and the Yin Yin are the body of the world, and anything cannot be bound.

In other words, if you want to drift away from the yang, they can only look at it, and they can not take any measures.

"The ancestors are old, this is what is going on, and it is good to have the yang in the past million years!"

Four Black Dragon Wang did not hold the first, one of the Black Dragon King took the lead in inquiry.

"The is the same as the yin cyclone, complement each other, one position change, the position is bound to affect the other position change, must be the ghost of the emperor!"

"Yes, he just deliberately destroyed the shadow, don't give us a process of taking him to the yang cyclone, now he must have been to the yin, use it to the cloudless cyclone to the yang, delusion will go to yang He went there, synthesis the generosity of the emperor, became the emperor, so he all stepped on the foot! "

"This kid, this dragon king will see him uneasy, he actually wants to bypass our Heilong family to become the emperor, not forgive, this dragon king wants him!"

The unequal ancestor is old, and the other Black Dragon King has been urgently corrupted, and the sword will leave the crater.

"It is evil, this emperor is not name, but it is an outsider. I am so preferentially of this Black Dragon, he actually reached so ambition!"

Three black dragon king immediately turned into anger, seeing the ancestors did not stop the opposition, immediately took out the weapon, followed the first black dragon king.