Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2926 takes the opportunity to press

Other black dragons also followed four black dragon kings.

In the crater, there is only three old age.

The ancestors were old at the first time to come to the yang, and they had been closed, and they were in an enterprise.

The old man and the old age have to stand here, waiting for him to go out from an entries.

Three minutes later, the ancestors who were caught in an enterprise opened their eyes.

"The ancestors are old, how, what is the problem of the yin gas."

When the length is old, when you ask.

"The emperor is not named to the cloudless cyclone, I don't know what the problem. When I ran into the gods, I will return to the gods."

"Because the turmoil produced by the yin air rotation, the state is not stable."

"How can I go to the gods to get to the god domain, where there is a gloom to the end."

The old brow is slightly wrinkled, and it has been unusual to smell this.

"I don't know, the time is too short, the elders cannot be tracked."

The ancestors are not good, there is always a bad hunch in my heart.

When the yin spin, the gods are immediately returned, and this thing must be not simple, it is very likely to be a crucial person or thing.

But what is the person, what is, the ancestors have no hair.

For so many years, he still appeared in the first time, and the ancestors were naturally not good.

"No matter what, it's good to turn back. The remaining doubts are to recruit investigations."

Zong long worry, tone tone, transfer attention to the emperor.

"The ancestors are old, why didn't you stop the four Black Dragon King? You clearly clearly, this time you have no relationship with the Emperor's."

Ginger is still the old spicy, three long-term understanding of the ridiculum, more than black dragon.

They came here to the first eye, they see that they are so changed, they must not be a ghost that is unknown.

Before the Nine Phenantry Ho monk was completely either, the Black Dragon family came again with an emperor.

The long thinking is that the ancestors have just thought about it.

He is in an enterprise. For the super power of the ancestors, it is not too simple to discover a sense of idiometry.

The ancestors are old and not cold. "Hey, this is nothing to do with him, but who makes him unfavorable."

Everything is ready, the emperor is nothing to do, but also let the power to protect the cloudy cyclone to him, let him hurt.

Such an emperor is not named, and the ancestors have gave him a lesson.

"This, this is not good, in case, if he is angry, don't cooperate with us, turn to surrender, how to do the nine phenantry phoenix."

The long life can't help but worry.

The emperor is obviously not a common person, he is afraid he will not be protected from the old age.

"This person is very big, rushing to the emperor, he wants to get the yin and the oe cyclone, will not flush with us."

The ancestral old lip corner flashed a contemptuous point, as early as the first time I saw the emperor, he lied his ambition.

What is the old man who is still saying, and the elders are suddenly colored.

"Not good, the ancestors are old, the length of the old is old to the yang ...

The old old and the old old two people looked up at the same time, from the top, because of the qi spin return, the state stable to the yang cyclone, has begun to disappear.

When two people look, just seeing only the remaining cyclone completely dissipated.

Above the cateron, there is no one.