Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3032 is good

The positive sluggish god-level spiritual fruit trees should be newly sent to the new home, immediately pull the tree root from the soil, and pierce into the five-person body, draw their life.

The five people live like a flowery happening.

Nine feathers phoenix is ​​extremely high, five people's life energy is roughly equivalent to all of these cultivators of all these cultivators, the blood, the soul and life.

Even the five-person life supply of God's spiritual fruit is more better.

God-level spiritual fruit is recovering vitality with the speed visible to the naked eye, and the gathered tree crown is reforming.

A green green fruit of a pea is hung, waiting until next year will mature.

This batch of god-level spiritual effects when ripening, will not be poor than the god-level spirit effect of life.

"Goddess ... The goddess is forgiving!"

"The goddess, why do you want to do this to us, we are just in the rules, and there is no mistake!"

The five people looked at the entoucted branches of the body, and the fear of the emotions were thrown.

"Because the book is your goddess, the status is higher than you, you can use life to raise the life, which is the contribution of these gods, the nine-child phoenix, is what you should do, and your blessing."

Junko is faint, saying that five people are less familiar.

This is exactly what they just said when they were doing God-level spiritual matte with purple cockroaches.

"But ... but the goddess, how can these domains can compare with us ..."

The five people have tongue, and they did not expect this kind of party to fall on their heads.

They saw that the violetans became a nutrients, they could not accept the mind when they fell to their heads.

"Why can't you. The same is nutrient, you are much better than they, the bigger contribution will only be, you should feel that it is very proud and satisfied."

"The old man is in this, how many energy is obtained from the goddess in the year, how much will these gods, and it is natural, and the original will naturally give you freedom."

Although the Junkko is anger these five practices, she knows that these five people are in the bottom of the nine phenanthus phoenix, but they are ordered.

They, there is no energy that allows the ground magazine as a nutrients in the domain.

It should be clear, and it is a high-rise person of Nine Pattern, such as the inflammatory domain.

"The following is the following."

The five people are still somewhat uneasy, and they are sitting under the goddess, but they can't afford to order from Junkko.

She is their goddess, the strength is about to return to the nine-order, do not listen to the order, and they will be dying.

"Don't be afraid, you will not have any dangers now, I will send you to the gods."

The Junkko is placed on the violet.

They are dead, and the body is not without any loss.

The memory after entering the domain has completely no longer exist, and even the previous memory is blurred, and the strength is all returned to the front of the god.

Everyone knows, the heart is as purely purely infant.

They didn't know what happened, but they knew who saved their lives, and I understood the Junkko and Emperor Lingtian, with a natural trust in his eyes.

"No star, you must know very well of these people, with them to leave the gods, teach them to be people."