Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3059 You are all metamorphors.

"Little War, you die this heart! Benju is willing to be reversed by the main servant blood, and it will never tell you any information about the Blacklong family!"

"Little Witch? Xiao Longlong, it turned out that you have been calling me like this in your heart, this is called well."

The small sea is very much like the name of Black Dragon.

She is a magic emperor, she is a small witch, no problem.

The small sea humens reach out of the small hand, caught in the air, and the white tender heart is plotted in a set of fine runes.

The hand of the small sea is like suction, and the black dragon caught the palm of Black Dragon.

"Small dragon dragon, it is useless."

Xiahai Tumens will blank jade to the Black Dragon, and the black dragon is in the black dragon family to become a line of words, injecting jade.

"No, this is impossible, the little witch, what do you do to me!"

Black Dragon is shocked, even if the small sea is the owner, it can't win the gambling, and then invade it, pick it out!

"Oh, you said this. Xiao Longlong, I have long guessed that you may destroy, I have told this thing. I am afraid that you will ruling me, teach me a rune. As long as you destroy, The primary servant cach cannot protect you, I can draw your memory. "

", this is this."

The small sea is bending, like a moon, open the small hand palm, and engraved into the rune of the palm of the palm.

"Abnormal, your family is abnormal!"

After the black dragon, the little sea is the palm of the palm, and the sound is shot.

This is a shrinking rule, a small one combination has a hundred runes, nested each other, and the radiative seams are close, and there is no mistake.

This requires a lot of spiritual power, which is not a thing that is still less than half a year.

"Xiao Longlong, you are still the first person to praise the metamorphosis, etc. I will definitely look carefully, I will give you the body". "

Xiahai humei hands grasp the black dragon and shakes a few times, and the exquisite and lovely smile is full of excitement.

Well, metamorphosis, this word is also a good word, the mother is often prosperous.

The mother is only a metamorphosis, and it is a metamorphosis that is unobstructed from others. It can be seen that it is the highest level of praise.

Xiahai Tong put its black dragon, two small hands, two golden daggers, scattered a heart-catching cold light.

"Little Witch, I have no boast of you ... Wait, the owner, what to check the body, the body is the body, there is no problem!"

Black Dragon will not be able to restore freedom in this life, and it is known that he is a contempt of her, and it is simply broken the tin.

But when it saw the golden dagger in the hands of the small sea, Black Dragon immediately changed.

Little demon is ancient spirits, and there is an endless ideas in the brain.

You don't have to ask it, the so-called way to check the body is to cut its body check with a small dagger.

Black Dragon will shake his head like a deposit drum. After retreating, the bones belong to the Black Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon will have no trace.

"Don't be a badlong, you are stupid. Your body is like a broken wind box. You just thought that it violates my orders, the main servant blood embarrassment will be anti-flying, it is relieved. Xiaolong Long, You are not only a problem with your body, but also have a problem. "