Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3195 You are really no love.

The fastest update to the evil phoenix: the latest chapter of the Demon Dynasty

"What is to do, I don't want to pick a small princess? You really have no love!"

The Black Dragon is still scared in the puzzle of the small sea. It is not beautiful with their space rings. The ancestors have been swept away.

"Come come, small princess, harvested, this is the deputy of uncle."

The black dragon is in the heart of the blood, in order to win the good feelings of the small sea, the news of the Black Dragon, only have to take the spatial ring, all put it in a new space ring to the small sea.

This little girl is really awkward, actually takes this opportunity to rob them!

"Hey, thank you uncle, uncle is really a good person."

Xiaoyang smiles smiles the space ring, which is half-scared.

"Little princess, don't be polite with my uncle, what do you want, although give uncle, you can rest assured, uncle will take you away, find your mother."

Black Dragon has promised to Xiaohai, if it is not for the news of the respect, they have to think they will change their people.

"I know, thank you uncle, my uncle is so good."

Xiaohai is grateful to look at the black dragon, a pair of beautiful eyes clear clear and transparent, without any call.

Black Dragon is dark and happy. Sure enough, it is a little girl, saying two good words, one person contributes some space rings to put down the heart.

It is more convenient to get the trust of the small sea, from the news from her mouth, it is easier.

Under the command of the old eyes of the ancestors, a black dragon actively turned into a real body, so that the small sea homs sat on his dragon ridge, carrying the small sea inlet to find a so-called export.

Along the way, the black dragon has to be in the small sea, and it is necessary to care for her. The black dragon is even afraid that she is bored and begins to tell her the story of the Black Dragon.

Xiahai Inglea heard the taste of Jinjin, and sometimes some questions from time to time and is very interested in the Black Dragon.

Everything is going well, and the ancestors are laughing.

Hey, the woman gamble with him, letting him and the Black Dragon family can ask the little girl any problem, so that he can't set any information about any respect.

too young too naive!

They gave the black dragon prostitutes to the small sea, attracting Xiaohai interested, and took the opportunity of Xiahai Yumei, and later, she guided her thinking. She always remembered that she was the matter of her respected.

Unlike the grand confidence full of the grandfather, the small sea is full of sleeves, the soul of the Dragon Dragon Dragon Sight is extremely complicated from the head to the end.

It's a generation! Even the old man with his old man has the same time.

The owner is very interested in being very interested in the Jinjin, which is very interested in the Black Dragon.

Hehehehe, don't be funny, it's a black dragon, it's on her wrist, don't pinch her hand, kneading.

It is clear that it is clear about anyone in the bad, and even how many parentles are all known, they also listen to this group of black dragons.

Black Dragon Satischers really want to rush out to shout, awake, this little girl is lie.

However, it has become a bangular favorite, and it is dying by Xiaohai in the humens, and only looks at this group of silly dragons.

The ancestors didn't know the inner activities of the Black Dragon, still being embarrassed.

Sure enough, I haven't been a few minutes, Xiao Haibang heard the story of the Black Dragon, curiosity is completely evoked.