Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3196 is killed by a mortar

The fastest update to the evil phoenix: the latest chapter of the Demon Dynasty

"Wow, the uncle of the Black Dragon, but why didn't I see the uncle of Black Dragon,"

The small sea is left to see the right, and it is worth it in the black dragon.

In the dragon scales, the Black Dragon Spectacked the soul heard the words "uncle", almost didn't have a old blood spray.

The Black Dragon Spectacle is in the sea, "the owner, can't call, can't call it."

It is a bangular favorite, and the identity is lower than the small sea.

It was called uncle by his own owner, it would be to be killed by the primary servant blood, weaken the soul.

"Ann, it's called a few times, it's okay. After big, I will let the mother will make you back."

Xiahai humens appeases two sentences, and puts attention to the story of the Black Dragon, listening is serious, and people can't doubt her.

"Hey, it is also the talents of the sky, the respect of the ancestral goddess. The place of the disappearance, the place where the ancestral goddera is the same low-level world, but so long, the Heilong family is constantly sending people to find, there is no Message, hehe. "

The ancestors are old, and the paving is so long, finally arrived!

He and the black dragon replaced a sad and sad expression, and the atmosphere was outdracotiated.

Xiao Haibang suddenly, ", harmony with the ancestors, isn't that the world I come from? Waiting for me to go home, I will pay attention to the news of the uncle of the respect."

"Little princess, that is really thank you very much. The true body of the truth is similar to us, it can't be clamped, but the body is bigger, the body's tipped metal span is more intensive, it seems more prestigious."

The ancestral old and black dragons are this sentence. They are constantly destroyed from all aspects, and the ancestors are old, and the ancestors have even take a picture from the space ring.

In the picture, a black dragon is tumbling in the clouds, and it is very windy.

The ancestors did not believe that Xiao Hai Yan saw this picture.

"Hey, Dragon Dragon in this picture seems to have been here."

This picture of Xiahai Ingki, beautiful eyes flash, exclaimed.

The ancestors are expected to look forward to the small sea.

Too good, they can get the fall of the Black Dragon, even if the emperor is getting to the yang, as long as the respects return, the emperor has a good value!

"Well, but when I saw it, it was seriously injured. Only normal a snake was so big, and it was dying. That person is ready to kill it, then take it to the medicine wine, I thought it was a snake. "

The small sea flask exquisitely small faces, carefully search for memory in the mind, and reach out while reaching out to make the length of the snake.


The grand old and black dragons are all widened, and they are incredible.

Their distinguished Black Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon is.

"No, this is impossible!"

Black Dragon does not believe that the Black Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragonfly will fall.

In the dragon scales, the Black Dragon is almost vomiting blood.

Bubble wine, it is going to be a bubble wine, and the owner has compiled.

Black Dragon Satissers think of their own encounters, can not help but tears, and complex in their hearts.

In fact, its end is more miserable than taken to the bubble wine, and there is a whole body, and it doesn't even have a whole body.