Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3329, no holiday, yin

The Junkko will lead the topic to her want to ask.

She and Emperor Tiantian are now the same as the world, and everything on the world has escaping the perception of the two.

The emperor wanted to pass her, separated the dragon pool, and made such a big move, let the people in the mainland know that the two are married, but she doesn't know at all.

If the emperor is simultaneously used to use it to the yin and the yang cyclone, you can indeed do this while you can completely hit her.

When I am in the yin, the emperor can only be used to yang, and he is doing it.

"Small fool, life soul ring."

The emperor stretched out her long hair, and suddenly revealed in the bloody eyes.

Junku Shuang suddenly returned to God, grabbed the emperor's right hand.

The emperor did not name the emperor, and the black pointed to the black finger that she took down and took the ring.

The soul is the most important existence of practitioners. It is the lifeblood of the cultivator, representing the life of the cultivator.

She is extremely feeling with the emperor, and she dares to exchange her soul to make a relaxation letter.

Junkko only thought about her soul is to give Emperor Lingtian, but ignore the soul of life representing her life, and has more purposes.

Through the soul, it can also be controlled to the yin.

The lamp is black, which is simply black, and she ignores the most common things.

"How do you have no reaction to the yin?" This is the last thing that the final Junko is not going.

"I passed my soul, and I said my plan to the yin, it saw that there is no harm to you, it will be all my heart, I don't let you know that I have manipulated. Its matter. "

Emperor Ling Tian smiled, and for so many years, it is not lost to adult cultivator for so many years.

The last goddess is always single, and there is no birth to the descendants. Seeing the new goddess of the nine phenanthus phoenix is ​​to marry, you can help it, and you will certainly not refuse.

"It turns out."

When Jun's Hall is toned, I quickly laugh again, and she also thought that the reason why the clouds helped Emperor Lingtian.

As the guardian cyclone of the nine-pointer phoenix, it is not that the Yin Yizha may have been tied with the emperor to be tied together, and many of the perfect descendants of many blood are born.

"Ling Tian, ​​my previous memory you also use this way to take it."

Junkou Huang suddenly snorted, grabbed the slight force of the emperor's arm.

After she gets the cloudy cyclone, she slowly inherited the ancestor memory in recent days, but I can't think of what I can't think about what I can't think of in the ancient valley.

This is not reasonable, there is no reason to be ambiguous, and she has inherited her inheritance, but the past and emoticon can't think of it.

Compared with both, of course, the former is more difficult.

Junkko is unborn, it is unclear that this is why it is.

Until today, Emperor Ling Tian got a wedding raid, she realized the problem.

Junkuchi is eager to pay attention to the test, and it consumes huge effort to wake up from the gentlestation of the emperor.

After she just a series of sets, Emperor Lingtian did not pass her consent, she was able to use her to use it.

It is easy to listen to the emperor.

Emperor Lingtian certainly didn't know what to say to the empty rotation, and used to the yin and the oyous cyclone, cutting her previous experience.

"Not bad."

The emperor's shape is perfect and thin, and a white mist group appeared in his palm.