Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3340 Wu Yong, how are you here?

The five people are in the same way, just in the door, there are not a few steps, and they are vigilant to climb the hearts of everyone.

In the front, less than 50 meters, Feng Yun Qi room position, this should be that there is only one big hole in the location of the window.

Braken window, transparent glass tablets on the window, showing self-defense.

Everyone looked around the glass slice, and the flowers were on the rockery, and there were blood in the rockery behind.

Have a hostile!

The five people exchanged each other, and the vigilance has been tense in the vigilance.

Here is the dragon palace, what kind of enemies can be mixed.

And I saw blood, they slept with dead pigs, they didn't know anything.

Not good, only the windows of the clouds in all people have broken a hole, and the clouds are dangerous!

The five people rushed to the broken window, then, thoroughly stissible on the spot, the looks on the look, it was unbelievable, it was unbelieving and hitting this kind of intimacy, but also brought some things to be in this way. .

The five-person face is wonderful, and the look is very complicated.

"Oh, big morning, what are you watching, how is your face so strange, let me come."

The five people did not respond to the row, and a dragon pushed the door and went out.

His first looks to see the five people to show a look, and each person is neatly drawn. It is not bad, thinking that there is a rare lively, hurry to look up.

At a glance, this dragon is also stissible on the spot, showing the same look like five people before.

5 people such as Jin Yu Shun, plus newly added Dragon is six people.

The speech before six people is not big, but it is also small.

Alever, it is not comforted by six eyes, and sealing the clouds, slowly open his eyes.

Jinshen's six people saw it. When I didn't open my eyes, I immediately made a bird and beast, running without trace.

However, this is not used.

Six people did not detect that six people were standing on the window, and the scenes in the house were taken.

He slowly opened his eyes, see everything around him, a rolling home, showing a loud scream.

"Wu Wei! How are you here!"

"What happened, what happened, what happened, is there a hostile!"

Sealing this scorpion, wake up everyone at the same time from your sleep.

Everyone should not have a headache, and even the instrument is not coming to sort out, rushed to the windows of the clouds at the fastest speed.

Then, everyone is completely stissible on the spot, showing the same expression as before.

Everyone is silent for two seconds. Everyone makes a bird and beast, and it is sloppy with the fastest speed.

"what happened."

Feng Yunzhao is too difficult to accept the fact that it is extremely frightened, this sound is full of mids fullness, which is exclusively.

In the distance of the ink, ink, ink, the ink, the ink, and the ink, and the ink dye is caught.

Six people heard the news, Mo Yam Ya has never been able to see the scene of the broken window, they are covered with the clouds of the clouds.

Three people did not send, with their respective partners quickly left, and the scene finally only left the cloud and Wu Qiyong.


The snow domineering is very worried recently.

Since the morning, after the morning, Lu Yunqi directly moved to the most remote palace of the dragon pool.

Wu Wei is going to go, and the reaction of Yun Yun is fierce.

Only small sea humens can still talk to him, but the small sea is small, I don't know what happened and I can't open the cloud.