Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3354 is known for

The emperor didn't name a space ring, and the golden gods quickly filled.

Although it was taken away by everyone, the number of the lower surfaces still had a lot, and before they were taken away, they did not even have one hundred and forty.

He spent hard to manage these continents, and his brother and his mother will definitely forgive him his previous mistake, truly treat him as a family.

The emperor has a space ring, and the emperor will bid farewell to the emperor Ling Tianjun, can't wait to leave the gods to the gods and go to the destination.

The emperor has just left the goddess, and the Junkou Eye flashed.

"Ling Tian, ​​a stone two birds, you have a good thing."

The land of the emperor is not named, the number is almost about 9,000.

Even if he moves very fast, it takes only half a year of half a year to spend half a year, and it takes four hundred years.

In fact, we must actually operate, the time of the continent is absolutely more than half a year.

These continents are just a real understanding with the emperor.

At that time, the gods were broken with the gods, the ancestral continent was broken, and many continents in the lower surface were broken into countless fragments, scattered in time and space.

These continental debris has begun to re-aggregate spontaneously after the sky is restored.

She got the highest use permissions of the Emperor to Yong and to Yin Tong. These continental fragments were quickly accelerated.

It is not easy to wait until the emperor is not easy to govern more than 9,000 continents, and there will be thousands of continents to come out.

The emperor has nothing to do in this life to be caught in the Wangyang sea of ​​these continents.

In this way, the emperor did not name not only to sway in front of the two, but also solved the troubles of these continents for the two.

Emperor Lingtian Lips Lips: "Huang, this is not my business, I just put a sentence."

Jun Mochun is a nod: "Yes, this is the emperor's unknown self-requested, of course, it doesn't matter our family."

Everyone picks up two years to leave, the original dragon palace's lively dragon palace instantly cleaves.

There are only three three portals left, and we will have a black Dragon Dragon, which is not allowed to discuss the Black Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon.

There is also a white girl who constantly caught in a beautiful dream and is on the verge of collapse.

Junkko and Emperor Tiantian have planned to be the responsibility of the world's owner, planning to do what to do for decades.

Sealing Yun Yun Dilong family now has something to do, and will find people who like them later.

Black Dragon, the Black Dragon family and the white girl are completely threatened, nor does it need to worry.

The only thing that makes Junkko is a little worried about the red woman.

Most people leave, the Junkko and the emperor did not use the ability to return to the dragon palace immediately, hand in hand to walk in the forest.

"Ling Tian, ​​the ability to make trouble with mother, there is no such thing as scary."

Think of the move of the red woman flew away, Junku Huang is very uncomfortable.

Whether it is in the emperor, it is still in the fact that her mother-in-law has been known for the facts.

It's a matter of trouble, let people look at it, and I'm looking at the tongue, I don't admit that she is the status of the female demon emperor in the Jiu Ning. It can be seen that the red scorpion is extraordinary.

Why is it in Feng Yun and Wu Wei, just scare her.

Emperor Lingtian asked softly: "Huang Chin, what is the ultimate goal of the Mozi."