Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3366, the phoenix

In the hill cave found by the Huang, a piece of gravel shakes, and the gravel rolls from the mountain cave wall to the ground, and it is turned into a purple foy.

Fortunately, he made a bullish method when he drove the shrub.

It is very simple to deceive this kind of person who is not aura, he doesn't have to go into a stone, as long as she thinks it is a stone.

Ink seemed to be a stone, the lack of the cave is stone, there will be no doubts.

Fortunately, the girl who claimed to be the future of Tianling Communications rushed to the palace, and scared the poverty, otherwise she asked her to reach out, his obstacle method would malfunction.

This place has been connected to the girl's guidelines and the girl who claim to be the future of Tianling. It is not safe.

Purple water push the bus on the front of the hole.

Before leaving, he looked at the place where the firing is ink.

Although this girl is good, he is not able to heal the best Dan medicine inside and outside, and her buried medicine is not useful.

The purple water does not think that the Moh, the unique ordinary person can really steal the Dan medicine of Luo.

If she can do, it is not so miserable in the huge palace.

Purple Watery looked at the place where the fuel injected is disappeared in the fallen forest.

That night.

Ink, the night, touched the night, and found the small cave of her purple treasant, dig the bush, and reached out to unfold the stone.

Two rough glass bottles are quietly lying in the stone seam, and the night blurred light makes two glaze bottles more rough.

"Hey, Xiao Zihu is still don't believe me."

The phoenix will take the two glazed bottles and put together, and the baby is in the arms.

Her refining talent is very poor, and two years ago relies more than 20 of the most common medicinal materials.

Each refining class in the first two years, Luo Yi must be very close to her.

One of the simplest and most basic refining operations, white girls only look at it, she learns to learn thousands of times.

After Luo Wei made up her, she often suffered from white girl poison, in which case she started to collect her medication for her own medicine in the god corner.

The pharmaceutical technique of the phoenix is ​​completely different from the Chinese refining theory of refining, and the medicinal methods used are also very different.

She is not equipped with Dan medicine, which is a pharmaceutical.

Unlike the morphology of the Dan, the treatment is very good.

The Shenterong herbal medicine is hard to find. Most medicinal materials are planted in the pharmacy. She is hard to make up the amount of medicinal materials for the two bottles of medicament. One brain is left to Xiaoyihu, and it can be seen that she wants to leave the determination of the shrine. .

The phoenix has two bottles of pharmacy, which is constantly moving in the huge palace, wants to find purple water.

She is looking for purple water, purple water is also hiding her.

Ink, the Phoeno is very familiar with the horned angle of the godberg. It is used to use the terrain advantage, and the purple water will almost be found by her. This situation has improved after the purple water is familiar with the hometown.

The phoeno is looking for purple water in the honest hometown for three consecutive months. Some of the heart is fascinating.

In contrast to the situation here, the purple water is still smooth in the purpose of the hometown.

He used the Shenteriosin to cultivate a pure and raw flying, and the strength will be promoted from the seventh order of the Yuanyuan Emperor.

By observing the movement of the refining pharmacists in the hometown, the location of the Shenterong drug depot is observed, and the three bottles of medicine are quietly steady, and the internal injuries and the rear hunter have healed half.