Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3440 has 1 love outside

I still remember that emperors sent her a pair of ruby ​​beads for the first time.

That is that she is officially stepped into the practice, and the emperor Ling Tian left the Tiangu Valley to return to the nine, and the emperor went to the sky. In just three days, the photo of the ink is very missing him.

After three days, the emperor came back when he came back when he came back to her, and he was particularly happy.

No one sent her gift, this is the first gift in her life, and her first gift in her Lingtian brother.

Although the emperor sent her many jewelery after the day, Mo Huang still wears this red treble bead flower.

Ink Huang put a pair of bead flowers on the ground, I thought it was full of concern, but it was doubt.

Until the whole body, there is no such thing as the emperor Lingtian, it will enter the door of the void.

The door of the void is swallowed, and then disappears, only one row of neat space rings on the ground, with the hair band beads.

Ink, I have entered the door of the void, and I have been practicing hundreds of exercises. She is very familiar with this.

After a few seconds, the phoeno stepped into the transport gateway through the void gate.

She knows the specific coordinates of the coordinates are the demon palace, the demon is no longer going, and now the most suitable place is eight-square.

I don't know the specific coordinates of the eight partial mystery. She is proficient, so it can be calculated, but it is not to determine which place in the eight partial mystery.

On the side of the phoenix, we wore the coordinates of the eight partial mystery while

Continuous with tears slip from the eye of the phoenix, suspend in the void.

The door of the void disappears with the ink, and the purple water is on the end of the last layer, as if there is any strength.

I was gone, and she left alone.

Where is he going to find her, what happened to happen to happen!

Purple water is worried, the soul is falling, no, no, he can never give up this, he is going to find the Phoenix!

Purple Water Taoism, is preparing to leave the ancestral valley according to it, twisted in front of the space, automatically cracking a fissure, and the emperor came out of the crack.

The emperor Ling Tian learned that the Mo Hu was mistaken. The whole heart was held tightly.

In the special space, the fastest time to get rid of the red eye, and the emperor immediately uses the transfer of the special space to return to the palace, and found that the phoenix has leaving the door.

The emperor followed the phoenix, with the fastest speed chasing, seeing ink, a row of space rings and hair band beads

" ..."

This place is still still the energy fluctuation of the void, and the phoenix will stay here again. Even the ruby ​​beads who have never been left behind will be left here. What is it? It is self-evident.


At this moment, Emperor Lingtian was tightened and breathing disorder. In the heart, he knows that he lost an extremely important thing.

At this moment, the emperor's irritation arrived at the peak, and he finally understood that he was in the end of this time.

"Xuandu Ziyun Fox family, qualified to compete for the son of the beast."

The emperor is clear, and the eyes are like swords, falling to the purple water.

"Very good, you didn't know that ghosts did not know the land of this respect, and I also took a picture of the baby, inciting the phoenix, abandoned the family."

Very good, another love.

It also disguised into a spiritual pet in this way, and it is insecting to eliminate the ink croche, gaining the Phoenix Trust and Into the Huang.