In a Different World with a Smartphone

# 112 "Alchemy Building," and the virgin's superiority and inferiority.

What spreads in front of you is the same Babylonian landscape. Beautiful trees and the blue skies that fall out. Blue, lush lawns on flowing waterways. Apparently, you've been transferred safely.

Well, I'm glad this is the "library" or "hangar." Yeah, "Zuo" is fine, because I'll punish you for all the trouble you've caused me.

Strolling around the area, I could see a building from among the trees. It's about three stories tall. It has stained glass-like windows in it and it also looks like a church at first glance. Naturally, there's no cross on the roof.

On a brick-making wall, a red roof. Next to it stretched a tower shaped like an octagonal tongari hat.

"I think it must be a Babylonian facility..."

"Exactly. S's. Welcome to my Alchemy Building."

Suddenly he was called out and turned around, there stood a girl with white skin, salacious pink hair on her golden eyes as a sidetail. Age looks above Sheska.

A large thin red ribbon on the chest on your set black jacket. He was wearing a white skirt with black tights and clothes not so different from the Sheskas when we met. If there is only one difference, is that the swelling under the ribbon claims its existence to be incomparable?... Mr. Cecil, you're in class, aren't you, Arr...

"I am the terminal that manages the" Alchemy Building "here, in Belflora, s. Please call me Flora."

I think "Belflora" would be fine with "Belle"...... No, Sheska was Francesca, too. Is that it? Was it customary in ancient civilization to call the back of a name?

And the "Alchemy Building"? Once again, it wasn't meant to be.

"You came here with all the same attributes as the Doctor. However," Alchemy Building "can only be authorized for use by" Fitters ""

"I know. By the way, the" garden "and" workshop "keepers have recognized it."

"" Gardens "and" Workshops "... of S in Sheska and Rosetta? Fair enough, it's been 5070 years since S's. I miss you."

Flora meets her hands in front of her chest with a joyous look on her face. It rocked. It rocked a little now.

It must be using some kind of magic that makes your gaze turn towards you with a flicker. Yes, it is. Pretty powerful magic!

"If the two of you admitted it, I think you are fully qualified as a" fitter. "But for once, let me judge you too."

Judgment? No, Sheska and Rosetta... and this flow is lame! But it was already late, and when I thought so, Flora grabbed my hands disappointingly and pressed them against my own two spheres.


The soft feel is conveyed to the palm. So what does it mean to be elastic and tense? The sudden Flora's behavior reflexes into her fingers. Force majeure, it's force majeure! I also happen to have rubbed it!

"Oh, so su's..."

When I saw Flora with a glossy voice, I returned to me, and I let go of my hand bah. Oh, my God, this kid!

"Hey, hey!?

Well, it's not a word. Calm down, calm down, yourself!

"Ugh. Su's in passing. If you're going to beast here, you're going to qualify."

What, that judgment! What these guys are doing is reverse sexual harassment, right?!? I'm not suing you!

As it was, Flora unbuttoned the ribbon on her chest and began to unbutton her jacket. Hey, what are you doing!?

"Next time, I want you to touch it with raw skin. Still, if we don't beast..."

I doubted my eyes for a moment on the sole that burst out of my blouse. Raw!?

Unexpectedly out of sight. WHY... WHY NOBRA!?

"Hey, no! Because I get it! Because I don't beast!

"So su's? Because of this, and you can rub it if you like, Te..."

"Because it's cool! Because we're on time!

I don't know what you're doing in time. I mean, I'm upset! Damn, I can hear that Doctor laughing! If I had a time machine I would definitely go sheba!!

"... it's a pinch, right?

"Let's just do it!

Half-girl backwards and yell back. I knew this guy was also the one who cut off that perverted Dr. Character. Not decent.

"I recognize you as a fitter, and now the fuselage number 21, the individual name" Belflora ", is assigned to you. Best regards, Master."

Flora smiles briskly with her chest back properly. Ha... I knew it was more troublesome again. With that in mind, he accidentally grabbed my face and forcefully took my lips. Shit! There it is!


Just as Sheska and the others did, their tongues invade. Oh, I can't refuse! Why are these guys so powerful! Flora's lips separated after she had ravaged my oral cavity.

"Registration complete. I remember the master's gene. It's yours. Now the owner of the" Alchemy Building "is transferred to the Master."

I was listening to Flora whispering. This... is a hell of a thing if it's the opposite of a man or woman...?

"The" Alchemy Building "is a facility where different substances and magic are multiplied to produce new things. Mostly chemicals, foods, synthetic materials, etc."

Listening to Flora's explanation for heading to the Alchemy Building, the point is, I think it's like an "enchant" parent. I previously granted "Recovery" to the "Silver Moon" Hot Springs, but is it like that?

"What kind of things can you make, by the way?

"Something about the potion to heal the wound is affordable. You can also make plants with both properties by multiplying them with fruity varieties and pestilence resistant varieties?

How about that? That looks like it could be used. It could be Brunhild's agricultural revolution.

"It is also equipped to function as a medical facility, so you can regenerate it if you have one arm or one foot."

I wonder if it's biotechnology or a magical facility for biological relations. Is it the same thing as bioscience, so to speak, where alcohol and soy sauce, natto, miso, and yogurt are fermented? When I say breed improvement or something, genetically modified comes to mind.

No way I can make a clone or even a homunculus...... Wait, even Flora in front of you is a so-called human being in the first place. A little bit of the process these guys were created...

Well, let's not think too much about it.

"Can you multiply apples and micahs, for example, to make another fruit?

"Namatsu's. You can also make apple-flavoured micaines, and vice versa. Make something that combines the two flavors."

Wow, you don't have anything to do with genes anymore. If you multiply it with garlic and rice seedlings, you can have garlic rice or something? That's a hell of a facility depending on how you use it...... It's more synthetic magic than alchemy.

"It's almost magical to adjust Shima, because it comes from seeds, so I still use people's hands to grow it. And the flavor also varies depending on how you grow it, right?

Well, well. It is a breed that is not yet in the world. You wouldn't know if you'd actually grow it properly. This could use an experimental farm.

Step inside the Alchemy Building, listening to Flora explain. A cylindrical vessel made of various sizes of glass lined the walls with unevenness, and on the other side, like a small drawer, this one also lined with unevenness.

Something like a control panel was in the center, with several more large cylindrical glass cases ahead. This is that one, it looks like a frozen capsule coming out of an SF movie or something. Is it a therapeutic capsule?

"There are a variety of chemicals on this shelf. And a few of the medicines the Doctor made."

"Heh. You've been doing some decent research."

"Of tin with ecstasy, horny pills, stimulants, energizers, nourishing pills, esthetics, lust. With a safe product with no side effects…"

"I was impressed. I was the fool!

How dare you! I guess you should appreciate being safe! No, I guess it's a thankful pill for someone who's worried about that hand!

"It works so much, why is it tin? Is that the comfort of rising to heaven already? Though I have never tried. With me if the master wants to."

"I say no because I spare my life in so many ways!

I'm not kidding. Is it really safe, that? I'm getting suspicious. Well, I don't want to use it.... I don't use it, I think.

"Are there no regular medications the Doctor made?

"Don't suss."

Damn, I said it. No. This facility. A whirlpool of desire, isn't it? May I bring my dear daughters here...

I left the Alchemy Building and thought about that while it hit the wind. Well, I'll have to call you...

"" Alchemy Building "… a facility that could be used as the Principality of Brunhild…"

Leanne snaps so as she sighs. Even if you can't be so blatantly discouraged. After calling everyone in, the "Alchemy Building" is headed to Brunhild to rendezvous with Babylon.

"Um... Me, did something go wrong?

"Oh, don't worry about it"

Flora peeps this way with a troubled look on her face. I don't care if I get depressed every time until I find the library. Next to the sinking lean, everyone's gaze gathers to Flora.

"So, are you the administrator of the" Alchemy Building "..."

"Please call me Flora."

"Come on......!

Yumina and Lou were more nailed to those two shaky peaches than Flora herself, who greets them.

"Kuh... what a presence...?

"... I can't win. Exactly... this can't be won..."

The twin sisters also have something. The only flat ones are Yae and Lean. Hachi has things close to Flora, and Leanne feels like she's being objective. I wonder if it's something I care so much about... No. I don't know if a man would notice that. It doesn't really matter if it's big or small. I think it does catch my eye.

"Winter evenings are preferred by the big ones too...?

I'm going to look at this one with Lou's crying face. No, no, no, no, because Flora's is big because it has nothing to do with my taste! Well, I'll turn my attention to you, but I'm a basic, careless pie.

"So, it's okay, Lord Lou and Lord Yumina are still coming. The awkward were around the same time as the two of you."

The Else Linze sisters, who find hope in the follow-ups of the Eight and more and more eyes as they despair, against Yumina and Lou, who will have sparkling eyes.

"... why don't you rub him?

"Buh...! You can't do that!

I overreact to Leanne's bossy crushed words. What are you talking about, this fairy!?

When I looked around, everyone but Flora was blushing and swimming their gaze at me for hearing. Flora smiles disgustingly as she watches it. Huh?

"I just rubbed it on my master."

Something extra! You don't have to tell me, it's -!!

Everyone but Leanne turns to Ba and Face this way. Flora opens her mouth even more as she chases after it. With a smile that looks really fun.

"I was kissed."

Uh-oh! He's a convict, you son of a bitch! Enjoy this situation! By and large, it was this way! I saw a shadow of Dr. Pervert in Flora's floating smile.

"Mr. Winter Night, I need to talk to you for a minute"

Yumina smiling at me, but my eyes aren't laughing. Everyone else is alike and closing in. So it's a misunderstanding! I'm innocent!

Then he was seated upright for quite a while, preaching a lot from the five of us. Irrational. That's why I didn't like looking for Babylon... Paula's tenderness pounded on my shoulder as she encouraged me to pound...