Inadvertently Invincible

Chapter 104: Boy, I'm Watching You

Yang Gang frowned when he was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping on the melon. He had understood that it was the sister-in-law who gave her the six-pin medicine to give her back to others.

That's a big deal.

Although the specific situation is unknown, in Yang Gang's view, it must be that the younger sister was deceived by the boy.

Damn it!

How dare you lie to my sister?

The roar in the house has not stopped.

Xixi shrugged her head and listened honestly to her growl.

Meng Qingyao scolded a little tired. He saw his sister-in-law bowing her head and softening her anger. "Do you know what's wrong now? ”

“Got it.” Xixi replied weakly, then looked up and looked forward to it: “Sister, can you agree, as long as you agree to him becoming a disciple of Taiwu Xianmen, nobody can stop him. ”

Meng Qingyao saw that Master and sister knew the mistake and didn't want to say anything more. But then, she felt her heart was jammed. She said so much, and in the end it was the same as if she hadn't said anything.

“Are you really gonna piss me off? ”

Xixi pitied Baba: “Sister, you don't know, he was pathetic, he was really dying at the time, although it is important to reincarnate Rotardan, but it would still be worth saving a person. ”

“And even more so because of me. ”

“Didn't you always tell me that there was cause and effect all the way to Xiuxian, if I didn't save him, then I just had a heart attack, where did I cross when the future disaster arrived, you said? ”

Meng Qingyao looked at his sisters and said nothing.

What exactly did you think?

Seeing Xixi didn't continue to growl, she felt the opportunity had come. She grabbed her arm intimately and said, “Sister, help me, I have promised her that if I can't do it, I will be very disgraced. ”

“And I think he is very good. We Xuan Jianfeng's strength is already a little weaker than other peaks. Joining a person now makes Xuan Jianfeng a lot more powerful. ”

“It's a big price for you.” Meng Qingyao had no way, he shook his head helplessly, “Okay, well, you girls give me trouble all day long, later you hold my handbook to him to do the entrance, but I will go to this person, see what he can do, you let this girl beg me for so long. ”

Xixi smiled and said joyfully: “I knew you were the best. ”

In the house.

Lin Fan hasn't really walked around. He came to an unfamiliar place in his life, and the ghost knows what will happen.

Besides, this is people's turf.

You still have to keep your head down.

Take a look at the drop first.

[Turing root fragment.

[Ancient Wesen Poor Weak Bloodline.

Two things were dropped.

Not so good. The only curious thing is the blood line.

[Ancient Beast Poor Weak Blood: Poor Ancient Beast, Vicious Gesta, Unauthorized Speed. After countless generations of inheritance and hybridization, the faint bloodline flowing down, the human fusion bloodline heavily explodes, lightly veterinarized.

Too bad.

It doesn't do much good.

Lin Fan thought he could blend together and give himself a boost. It doesn't look right for him now.

Of course, he brought back the whole body of the ghost tiger, so everything that could fall in it was included.

[Ghost Tiger Whip: Ordinary demonic beast organs, not much use. Hidden action can be used to make wine, can be made into a pungent wine, can reconcile yin and yang to achieve yin and yang harmony.


As Lin Fan pondered these things, Xixi's voice came out.

“You come out quickly. ”

Xixi was in a good mood. She still loved herself. After her hard work, she finally agreed, so that she could keep her face and not be embarrassed.

Lin Fan came outside and saw Xi Xixing coming.

“Finished, you will be a disciple of Too Mu Xianmen in the future, I told you, as long as I told my sister, then there must be no problem, you Yamamura people finally have hope.” Xixi said.

“Miss Xi, thank you so much.” What else can Lin Fan say? This is a good person.

Xixi was not happy to hear this name. “Why do you still call me Xixi in the future?" ”

Lin Fan looked at Xixi and was amazing at my sister.

But to be human, you have to keep a low profile.

Just as Lin Fan was about to shout, a less harmonious voice came along.

“Your boy is the one who cheated on my sister Dan Yao. I'd like to see how you cheated on my sister.” Yang Gang's angry voice came from afar.

He eats melons very well.

As Brother Xuan Jianfeng Xi, it is the responsibility to protect her from deception by outsiders.

Not only did the sister-in-law take him back to the door pie, let the sister-in-law take him as a disciple of Taiwu Immortal Gate, but he also took his sister's Dan medicine. It all seemed like a routine, and the sister-in-law was the one who was deceived.

Lin Fan looked up.

It doesn't matter if you don't look, you look scared.

“This face is a toad.” Lin Fan shouted voluntarily, suddenly feeling a strong sense of killing.

Yang Gangqi's about to burst.

He came to this kid, he hasn't said anything yet, but I didn't expect him to say that his face was a toad face.


Yang Gang's face was incredibly blue.


Xixi opened her mouth and hurried: “Brother, don't be impulsive, this is a misunderstanding. ”

Lin Fan said: "Yes, it really is a misunderstanding, don't be impulsive. ”

Shortly after entering the Taiwu Immortal Gate, the people beside you will sin. The speed will inevitably be a little fast, and it is not worth the contradiction.

It's true to have a good relationship.

But to be honest.

This expert who is here now is kind of the ugliest thing he has ever seen. What about the pox all over his face? Shouldn't all the fairy fixers be handsome and handsome?

Because of Xixi's blockage, Yang Gang did not fight Lin Fan, but looking at Lin Fan's eyes is enough to show that you will feel better in the future.

Definitely treat you as a priority and treat you well.

“Brother, Lin Fan is the disciple of Xuan Jianfeng in the future. He is also your brother. How can you contradict your brother if you have an inclusive heart?” Xixi said.

“I haven't identified myself with him yet.” Yang Gang snorted coldly, then continued: “Sister, you are too young, you should keep your eyes open in the future. ”

Nishiki was helpless. I didn't think it would turn out like this. "Brother, it's not what you think. ”

Yang Gang knew that it was useless to tell her now, "Boy, I'm staring at you, you better not show your horses and feet. ”

This is a warning.

Lin Fan suddenly discovered that the people here are not very good at dealing with each other. If you want to say a good deal, it's really only Xixi.

As for showing off horses and feet and stuff, that doesn't exist at all.

He didn't come to Taiwu Immortal Gate to try to destroy it.

I'm just going to have fun with Ye Zhentian.