Industrial empire

Chapter 1133 chapter enchanting people!

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Lin Feng's situation, Tang Ling did not know, Song Yin actually happened? "How did you know?"

Tang Ling lost his voice.

Song Yin smiled slightly: "Lin Feng, I am wrong?"

Lin Feng looked at her, and asked Shen: "Who are you?"

Song Yin smiled: "What's wrong? You are not already known, is my name is Song Yin?"

Tang Ling also looked at him and asked: "Lin Feng, you are fine?"

Lin Feng shakes his head: "No.

If she is really as you said, it is a daughter of Song Dada, is a college student at school, it can't know me!

Tang Ling took a breath: "You said, is she not Song Yin?"

She is sick, trembling: "Who is she?"

Lin Feng said: "Who she is, only she knows!"

Song Yin Road: "I am me, you don't have to doubt."

Lin Feng Shen Sheng said: "How do you know my situation? I still have to be so clear? I am seriously suspicuous, you are the enemy dispatched!


Song Yin smiled, "Lin Feng, do you have a lot of enemies?"

Lin Feng Shen said: "People are in the rivers and lakes, there are always some people who are not friends.

Song Yun Road: "We are a friend, is it a friend?"

Lin Feng's eyes became cold and slowly said: "Since you know my situation, you should know, I am with your Song's family."

"I have heard of a little, but I am not very clear.

"Unclear? So why do you investigate me?"


"Can you tell me a little?"

"At the beginning, I am just curious to you, I want to know, what kind of person, put the Song to Song's son, play the flow of flowers, one is not rich!

"Well? Then?"

"In fact, I haven't entered the core of the family, there is anything in my family, and I will not let me participate.

I just once only one ear, remember your name.

After that, I start collecting all the information about you through my own person.

"Why do you do this?"

Lin Feng was shocked.

Song Yin said in Gu Jing: "When I know more, I found that you are a mystery.

So I want to know more about you.

Lin Feng said: "So, have you been investigating me?"

"I personally go to Jiangzhou and explore your accommodation.

I found your father's previous small building, asked your previous neighbors, I heard your current address.

Lin Feng's eyes, really flashing the murder!

Song Yin Road: "I went to the Royal Court, but I didn't go to your home to find you.

Her look is obsessed with affection: "I also found your friend, Sun Zhuo.

Lin Feng's tone became blunt: "What do you want to do?"

Song Yun Road: "In this unopeful, I know more and more, but I know more, I can't see your face.

A young girl who is unpigmiting, actually find everything about him!

This woman is still a Song family!

Think about it is horrible!

Song Yun Road: "You have no background, even have a rich relative, no struggle!

But you have succeeded, have such a big industrial empire, there is such a super high ability!

All this, what is it? "

Lin Feng said: "Some people, it is a genius, which is the existence of others.

"The genius also needs to pay the capital and sweat to succeed.

"I acquired Jiangqi, very fortunate, and every car of Jiang Automatic, became the gaol of the sale of sale.

"So, the problem is coming, where is the money you have acquired, where is it? This is not a small number.

"This is nothing to do with you!

Lin Feng said, "You are so curious, this is not a good thing.

"I heard that when you are at school, learn to stock, and win a lot of money? Is it that you buy Jiangqi's money is the stock market win?"

"What is it?"

"Then I don't understand it.

A person who can call the rain in the stock market, why do you quit in the middle? The people of stockings, most of them are gamblers, you are so young, but it can be so competent, it is really a bad.

Lin Feng said: "That is also nothing to do with you!

Song Yinjing said: "It has nothing to do.

I have been paying attention to your news. Every time you debut, I will watch it with your heart.

The conference of the flying mobile phone, as well as the new car conference of the Jiangqi, I have to live, just to see what kind of person you are.

Lin Fengxin shocked, has been turned over the sea!

You don't know what she knows, she knows you very well, even I have already gained your side, but you don't know!

Song Yin Road: "The more you get in touch you, the more you can't extricate, I will trap it into a cage of virtual cage.

This cage is the miss for you.

Lin Feng suddenly wrinkled, and I thought that this is more complicated!

Song Yun Road: "But I broke myself, don't talk to you, don't go to you chat."

In my mobile phone, I have already saved your phone number. When I miss you, I will turn to your phone to see, but don't play.

Tang Ling revealed a strange expression, see Song Yin, and look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng continued to listen.

He briefly, this Song Yin, what do you want to do? Song Yun Road: "You are a charming man!

Men around me, no one can be compared to you.

You let me lose love, do you know? "

Lin Feng said: "I don't know."

Song Yin Road: "There are many boys pursue me, one of which, chasing me eight years, his life conditions are enough to match me.

If you don't have your appearance, I may have a husband with him.

Lin Feng said: "I have never appeared.

Song Yun Road: "But in my life, you have already appeared.

After you have you, I will compare some other boys and you, and find out that no one can compare with you.

So, I opened all the boys pursued my boy.

Lin Feng said: "This is also nothing to do with me.

Tang Ling suddenly asked: "Song Yin, are you drunk? Hear our conversation?"

In Song Yin's eyes, there is a specific light, let her whole person look down and become uncertain.

Tang Lingyi.

Song Yin Road: "Yes, I am drunk, my alignment is very big, don't say that little alcohol is more than three times, you also can't drunk me.

Tomo said: "Hello, have a heart!

Song Yin Road: "Is this a heartbeat? So, in order to let Lin Feng take the initiative to come to me, I have designed all this, what should I say?"

"all of these?"

Tang Ling and Lin Feng also asked at the same time, "Which one?"

Song Yin flies a lot, said: "Jiang Automatic new car, can't enter the CITI and Information Service Access Directory!

It is my hand.