In the meantime, the first thing I did was dress the girl in the Art.

Nevertheless, there is no such thing as clothing to put on a girl in my home where all three brothers were men. I had no choice but to dress for the boy I wore when I was young. Even so, she still shows up as a cute girl, so I know the fact that it has nothing to do with a pretty girl's outfit. Pretty kids are cute in whatever they wear.

And me and the girl are going across the street.


"Yes, sir."

"I'm Jin Fleetberg. What about you?"

"I don't know"


I tried to name it after thinking that the beginning of the communication would start with an introduction, but what I returned from the girl was a word without such a body or lid.

He has a slightly sleepy eye, but his consciousness seems clear. But what's the matter with you not knowing your name?

Is it the resurrection as immortal, as well as the loss of memory or something like that?

"Uh... are you okay with the Art?

"I don't know"

"How old?

"I don't know"

"Do you know anything about the art book of sorcery?

"I don't know"

"Who am I?


All the time, at this rate.

I don't remember myself at all, and I don't seem to know anything about the Art. I thought you were lying, but I can't tell if this kid is lying that only gives me a short response at the moment.

The only thing I know is that this girl recognizes me as "your servant".



"No, it's nothing..."

Wrong calculation.

My plan was to bring Arv back to life as an immortal and teach him about Arv's magic, even orally. That way, you'll get the kind of high-ranking sorcery that's in the other Art's sorcery books.

That way, I can be the most powerful magician in the world - even though I thought so.

"Well, there's no choice... let's just be successful"

Art is made immortal by the magic of Art - the experiment, once successful.

I can't say I've achieved what I expected, but I've succeeded. I can't do it unless I think I've succeeded.


"... that's a tremendous amount of magic"

"What's the matter, mister?

"No... I'm just amazed at how much magic you have."


Koten, and the girl who tilts her neck.

The amount of magic that leaks from that body is a tremendous word. My magic power was at the top of the sorcery school, but it's more than ten times lighter than mine.

Although I've heard that Arv has tremendous magic in each individual, it's more than I can imagine. If there are so many guys like this, and each of them can use magic normally, that's enough to think that the country will perish.

At any rate, it means I can't use anything at all magical only for this girl...

"Are you... magic, can you use it?

"Majutsu... I don't know"

"Uh, flaming or something..."

"Like this?"

The girl scratches her hand.

And with your palms facing up.

Me, on the palm of my hand, the fire lit.


"Like this?"

Surprisingly, I don't have a voice.

It happened right in front of me that the magician would only know this, but there was no way out. How can I explain this surprise?

Innate sorcery sets its nature first in magic. If it's flame sorcery, it means let it have the nature of flame, if it's lightning sorcery, it means let it have the nature of thunder. And when you decide on the nature, then you decide on the coordinates. Identify where the magic works. And finally, make it orient how that magic works. They roll out flames for a long time, activate lightning only for a moment, and the way they do it varies. Specifically, I'd say activate witchcraft in those three steps.

In order to do what this girl did - 'keep the flames made of magic out on your palms', let magic first have the flaming nature to set the coordinates over your palms and the orientation to keep coming out for a long time. For this reason, the sorcerer knits witchcraft and activates it in the form of chants.

Even so.

The girl manipulated the magic extremely naturally, without chanting or anything, and let it build magic in an instant.

This is - Art.

"... Enough, enough. Turn it off."


Phew, and the flames made of magic go out.

I'm a magician's end, too, and I can do things like the girl did, "Keep the flames made of magic out of my hands". But the magic manipulation arm is a misdigit.

Even children are supposedly free to manipulate magic - the essence of which is this?

What I was hoping for was that you could tell me about the magic of the Art because you could talk about it.

"Well, okay..."

Otherwise, I can't help it.

Just reviving the legendary Art as immortal should think of it as your word. It's more than ten times as powerful as mine, and it could be of some use in the future.

That's all, let's try to be good.


I'll bite you to death.

In carrying out the crystal, it became exhausting both mentally and physically. Besides, it has consumed more than half of its magic. My fatigue had reached its limits.

Slow down and the magic will heal a little.


"Uh... yeah, sleepy"

"Oh, my goodness."


Speaking of which, in the end, you still don't know what this kid is.

I know Skeleton doesn't have to eat anything, but I wonder about this girl. Will I need something to eat or something?

Well, to the extent that I'm putting up with hunger, too, we don't have food at home. Eat a little preserved food somehow, and I'm fooling around with hunger too.

And then, above all, it's a name.

The mysterious girl of all time is troublesome for me.



"Right...... that's what you always say about arves and girls, and let's name it"


A girl with a decent half-eye, who's going to look at me.

That's saying something I'm not sure about rather than naming expectations - that's how it is.

"Right...... because I was in a crystal (crystal)"


"Chris, I don't know."


Girl - Chris, lean her neck.

"Yes, I am, Chris. Oh, my goodness."

"Oh, it's my pleasure to meet you"

Though it might be cheap as a name.

As usual, with no expression, Chris nodded.