An awesome Death Knight blow brings a captain-like man down.

Death Knight is not an unusual undead, even though I made it.

Because they are wearing full-body armor, they may give the impression of a strong undead just in one piece, but it is very easy to reveal the seed. There are three skeletons in that armor.

By moving three skeletons that can communicate silently and completely in the same armor, their power becomes purely trisomy. And there seems to be no problem with some bone deviation, etc., and the fingertips of the full body armor are buried tightly with the bones of the hands. Simply put, I'd say it's a substitute for pushing a bone into a shell called full-body armor.

I made it with the intention of experimenting at first, too, but this fighting power was more than I could imagine.


"Well, the captain's been hit. Ah!

"Shit, even, God!!

"Also, I don't like it anymore!!

The patrols are screaming so unnecessarily.

They also must have understood that pure combat power no longer extends. Twenty-five villagers undead in total, a flock of over a hundred skeletons. That strikes me without knowing tiredness, without knowing the pain - it's only a nightmare if you try to be just human.

A villager's sword, a skeleton's spear, takes the lives of the patrols one by one.


"It's a village vendetta. Yikes!!

And the villager undead doesn't condone it at all either.

They are the victims of a sudden ravage of peace that should have been singing. Their hatred, which was killed and burned the village, strikes the soldiers of the patrol regiment with strength as it is.

From the way they say it, what the soldiers did to Bath's village is' purification '. But there's not a single villager or anyone else who takes it that way. Try them, they just suffered a unilateral massacre.

And there's no way you can be prepared for a battle that risked your life on a soldier in the patrol regiment who was just on the side of slaughtering until now.

Ravaging soldiers and ravaged villagers - their positions have been reversed, and now soldiers have been killed by the villagers' swords, by spears, by their lives.


I was biting my teeth, watching the sight.

This was not supposed to be the sight. If I had taken measures against 'Ecclesiastes' sooner, Bath's village would never have been slaughtered.

That's all, my laziness as a lord.

We deployed skeletons to improve our productivity and enrich the lives of the villagers - that's all we thought about. Without thinking about anything, such as the danger of having Skeleton deployed to the village.

And as we put an end to the temporary ravages, there are progressively fewer moving shadows.

"Gu, ha...!

"It's over!


The last soldier's chest is slammed by Elysio Mayor.

You can assume that all the patrols here, including the captain of the regiment that Death Knight hunted, have been wiped out. I was watching too, but although some tried to escape, it was all in the hands of the villagers.

For once, I explored the signs of the living in the Devil's Eye (search), but he was not there at all.

Anyway, the only thing that's working right now is the undead.

"Phew... now you've taken your vengeance"

"Our grudges have cleared us up."

"Go to hell and regret it no"

The bloody villagers are coming back to me.

Although the villagers have suffered only a few wounds, no one has suffered more than physical defects or inability to move. And the numbers are all there, without even decreasing by one person from the start.

And the villagers, all at once, bowed their heads to me.

My lord.

"... oh"

"Our vengeance, thank you for having me."


Elysio, the mayor, bowed his head and said so.

I bowed my head, too. I sincerely regret my lack of power.

"I'm the one who's sorry. If I were to take action against the Sacred Religion..."

"No, that's..."

"If I hadn't given you the skeleton, this wouldn't have happened...!

Vengeance was fought. Even so, my mind doesn't clear at all.

It's all because I gave them skeletons. Considering that it was due to a lack of labour, I handed over skeletons cheaply, but for that reason, I was to be able to keep an eye on 'ecclesiastics'.

I wonder what I should have done.

Should I have made Skeleton more human? Should I have at least made it seem like a skeleton by wearing full body armor like Death Knight?

Or should we have sent Death Nights to the defense of their respective villages from the outset so that even if a 'ecclesiastical' patrol attacked them, they could confront them?

And then, if I had at least been in first contact with 'Ecclesiastes' and given less bribes to the upper echelons, would I not have been able to keep my eyes open?


Instead, could it have been a mistake, even in this way, to consider using undead for the workforce?

The more I think about it that way, the more dignified I get.

My lord.

But against me like that.

Elysio Mayor said in a calm voice.

"The villagers thank you very much for your generosity."

"But I..."

"If your lord hadn't been here, our village would still have been frightened by bandits. We lived with such anxiety about when it would strike us and when we would all be killed."


"If your lord hadn't been here, our village would still have been full of rough fields. All we could do was watch the fields of the dead villagers get rough. Thanks to you, my lord, I was able to live with someone who seemed like a son… with a sketch boy."


"We sincerely thank you, my lord. Thank you so much."


"Whenever we die, we have no regrets."

Unexpectedly lay face down in words that are about to make me cry.

I am the lord of new America. If I didn't get a formal education from my father as a lord, I wouldn't know how to behave as a nobleman, I'm just a magician.

If this was my father, I might have acted better. If this was Brother Edward, maybe we could have run the territory better.

But now this Fleetberg lord is me.

"... sorry"

"No, my lord. We don't have any more thoughts. From the beginning, once your lord brought your dead body back to life. It is heartfelt that we will not be able to see your lord leapfrogging… we are satisfied"

"... sorry. I'm really, really sorry."

"What do you say, my lord? We are satisfied."

Elysio, the mayor smiles at me.

There is no slight cloudiness in that expression, no slight stray, and I accept my death.

Fulfill your vengeance, and you can die any time you want.

"... sorry"

"Um, lord..."

"Oh, you know... I'm really, really sorry..."

I am so sorry for the villagers who are so ready.

But there's really nothing I can do. Even though you accept your own death and say you have no thoughts.

Very unfortunately.

"I don't know how to turn off the undead..."

"………………………… Yes?

No, really.

Me, I can make it, but I can't turn it off...