"Oh hon."

Eleonora coughed up small and then corrected her residence.

Until earlier, it was only a relationship between the magician's predecessors and the young man who was being recognized for his strength. But now I, Jin Fleetberg, am a disciple of the Great Mage Eleonora.

From now on, as a magician, I will seek the abyss, the roots, and higher magic.

Either way, you're going to be such a great magician in history that my developed magic will permeate the world. This discipleship is the first step in that.

"First, shall we talk about the upcoming education"

"Yes, Master"

"Well, I'm not going to take any hassle steps from the start. You're only a newcomer who just graduated from the School of Magic. Let's start by consolidating the foundation."


I'm relieved by Eleonora's words.

Four high-ranking magicians, known as the Four Witches of the Continent, are four: 'The Purple Wise' Eleonora, 'The Pale Flame' Silky Garnett, 'The Thirsty Queen' Celestia and 'The Time Baba' Ursula Birches. Honestly I don't know who decided on the two names of the last one, but I think it's extremely rude.

Such are the great sorcerers known as the Four Witches, but naturally they each produce exceptional sorcerers from those they have taken to their disciples. He is the head of the court magician, the director of the magic institute, and his positions vary, but he is also involved in the development of such a backward movement, which is why he is highly prestigious.

But there is no eleonora.

At least as far as I know, he was a disciple of 'The Purple Sage' Eleonora, and not even a single magician named him. It is a mixed race of humans and arves, already over two hundred years old, but not a single one.

"Are you upset?

"No, what..."

So I just thought that Eleonora's instruction was too strict, that she could ask for more than her strength, but therefore her apprentice couldn't reside.

Because of that thought, Eleonora didn't seem to miss being upset because it was a gentler word than she thought. I'm not asking for strict guidance, either.

Not sure how to answer it, Eleonora sighed smaller.

"I know there are rumors like that in the alley. Eleonora's instruction is too rigorous for her disciples to dwell on. Eleonora uses her disciples in the name of instruction, so those who flee are constantly left behind. The worst... Eleonora is killing her disciples and keeping them young."

"That, is..."

I've heard that rumor before.

"Purple Sage" Eleonora is not going to seek disciples or anything from the start, but sacrifices to absorb magic and keep her young - such rumors without roots or leaves.

But the fact is, Eleonora, who, while over two hundred years old, only looks like an aged beauty, so I guess there's no choice but to have such rumors circulated.

"I don't believe it. So this is how I came to be a disciple."

"Thank you. In fact, I don't master magic that keeps me young. I don't care if you beg me to teach you."

"That's right."

"If you want to be young, wake up early to bed, moderate exercise and morning and evening skin care at last. That way, you'll be seen younger than your age."


It was very informative.

"Well, that's the challenge I'll give you tomorrow."

"Yes, Master"

"Like I said, you're like a rookie with hair. I guess he was the chairman at the School of Magic, but that's the story at the level of the School of Magic. As a magician, I'm only a chick yet. That's all when you understand."


"So first, a grasp of the magic tools. Before you came to my house, did you see the magic store next door?


To Eleonora's words, snort.

Next door, from what I'm saying, it's probably about the Corcoda Magic Supply Store. I remember all sorts of things lined up in a mess. Though I didn't know how to use it more than half the time.

"That's where I do it on the road. It's a store that barely sells a single bird a month, almost like an idle bird. So I'm pretty much left alone, too."

"I understand that tracking magic is engraved."

"Heh. Even a chick. See that?"

Eh, and a grin on Eleonora.

I wondered if there was anything at all, and when the street through the store was easy to see (search) - magic to explore the flow of magic, I checked the product. It was just crap I barely knew what purpose I was using it for, but there was something in common with all of it.

That's tracking magic - if you're away from the spot, the magic that shows the place is engraved.

Perhaps for few people in the store to come out, they make sure they know where to find the goods even if they are stolen.

"Yes... so I wanted to be Mr. Eleonora's apprentice."

I honestly saw all those carved products of tracking magic and the tremor ran.

'Carve' the magic.

Those who are not magicians will not even understand its awesomeness. It is basically a peculiar sorcery that was supposedly used only for the Art that can be engraved into matter as literature. It was in the basement of my parents' house, a bunch of traps.

By the way, the only thing I can carve out magic is something I made with my own magic. Every little bird for reconnaissance, etc., is that, and it is not permanently activated either.

"Fine. First of all, your job is to know the products that are rolling into the magic supply store. Understand what it means, what kind of magic catalyst it is, and how to pass magic - around it first. I'll do the time, seven days from tomorrow. As soon as the store number and cleaning are in place, learn exactly. If you don't know how much you think, bring it to me."

"Yes, thank you"

Check the tools first, yourself. Think about how to use it and understand what role it has. If you don't know how much you think, ask Eleonora.

What I have to do is simple. It's easy to understand.

So Eleonora sighed small.

"But a magician is an equivalent exchange. Returns the corresponding information to the given information. I'll return the favor I've been given - I have to teach you more than that."


Mages exchange equivalents.

That's a natural recognition for a magician. Magic is activated only for the amount of magic you put into it. It is only natural that magic will be lost for the amount of magic you activate.

That turns out to be the perception that even magicians are all 'equivalent to each other'. The gratitude received must be returned to the same degree of gratitude - that is, in a sense, a gentleman's tacit understanding.

But why - with that in mind, when I look at Eleonora.

Eleonora took out a book, of a fitting made of animal leather.


"You showed me the magic book of Art, which is my secret. Then I'll have to show you my secret, too, right?

"This, ha......!


Like a kid whose prank was a success, Eleonora smiles.


This magic book.

Only one person in the world, Eleonora, possesses and Eleonora alone masters the peculiar magic.

"Of engraving magic, book......!


The only magic that can 'carve' magic into matter.

Magic books only owned by Eleonora since the doom of the Art.

That's right here...

"I told you, Jin"

Eleonora, stay smiling.

He looked me in the eye and told me with a serious look.

"I'll tell you everything."