"Creation (Creation) - Skeleton Soldier (Skeleton) Huh!!

Top of the mountain.

I worked just to keep growing these and giant bones every day, and here I stayed for as long as I could. Even though it was always routine to go back when my magic was exhausted and then do seating while trying to recover.

My magic is rooted and absorbed in the bones of giants, and my head flutters. He chewed his tongue at the seemingly hazy consciousness and managed to keep standing on both feet.

"Ha ha... Chris...!

"Yes, sir."

"Magic Drain!!

Even if I don't say anything, I'll lay it on Chris' hand, who gives me his hand, and absorb that magic.

At once my magic vessel was filled, and at the same time the discomfort and vomiting came. Again and again, this feeling is unfamiliar.

And he exhales small with the filled magic, and endures the sourness behind his throat, which has risen with vomit, by swallowing his spit.

I would have repeated this dozens of times already. I counted to twenty, but from there I stopped being a hassle.

"Ha, ha..."

"Your Highness..."

"Don't stop, Chris. This is the only thing I can do...!

"... Yes"

In front of me, the giant bone - its size was bigger than I imagined.

I made it with Chris, leg bones. I imagined the whole picture from its size, but that would be one of the reasons I never saw the presence of a giant. Shorter legs and longer torso than a normal human skeleton, and long enough for both arms to reach the knee. Should I consider it more akin to a monkey skeleton than a human?

Its head to foot size is just out of standard. It's a giant body that's over ten times my height.

Inside the skull, enough for me to put it in.

"But I've come so far... soon..."


I'd say the giant bones are almost finished by now.

The remaining part is the lower part of the skull - the jaw bone. Its jaw also grows huge canine teeth, as if it symbolized the edibility of a giant, who was probably a carnivore.

To this point, the jaw bones will be complete simply by giving the magic they have now.

"Ha, ha... Creation (Creative) - Skeleton Soldier (Skeleton) Huh!!

My full-fledged magic is absorbed into the giant's bones again.

That goes from the Devil's Square to the Giant's Bone, creating a new white bone in the part of its skull - the lower part.

A vicious facial skull with huge canine teeth aligned up and down. It was shaped by my magic, and.

First time.

The magic absorbed by the giant's bones lingered in me.


Now we have all the bone parts.

To that accomplishment, I accidentally collapse off my knees and buttocks. How many times in total have I had my magic emptied because of this bone?

But now it's right in front of me.

There is an overall view of the giant, with all the fine bone parts.

"Finally, I could..."

"Are you annoying, mister?

"You're determined to be tired... how much magic you think you used"

"Chris is annoying."


Chris' magic power that he thought was inexhaustible and completely invisible to the bottom.

I can see that it's slightly diminished. Naturally, Chris' replicable parts, such as the conflicting parts of the ribs and one arm, were completed after he had them.

Even Chris' magic is somewhat diminishing if he keeps replicating what he spends most of his magic on while extending the supply to me. I can't get enough of this to be slightly underestimated.

But the problem is.



"Look, it's not funny."


Giant bones, done. However, the bone remains lying still and does not move slightly.

Rather, there is so much space between the bones and the bones. Skeletons have joints connected for some reason, but giants have no joints and bones connected.

I mean, as it stands, I just used a lot of magic to create the skeleton of a giant, which is a sad result.

If this doesn't work, all the magic and time I've devoted to the giants will be wasted.


"Wouldn't you like that?

"When it's done, I thought magic would happen... after all, I can't feel magic at all"


"As a skeleton, I can't let you move with free will"


"... oh. It will."

It means you can't move autonomously, like the skeletons I've been making. I still don't know if I'm going to need something like a nucleus, either.

In the first place, the mystery of why Skeleton is moving has not yet been solved. I also have no idea why this giant won't move at the moment.

Like Chris said, a failure is a good result. If you let me and the giant solve it alone, I would have thought so.

"I don't know what to do... like Death Knight, I think we can connect in skeletons..."

"Are you flattering me?

"Then, in the end, it's a good story to make from skeletons."

Skeletons can be placed around parts of each bone and moved by the same communication of intentions of everyone - I also thought about that, but then there's no point in using giant bones.

How can I move this bone...

"The problem is that magic doesn't go through the bones of giants..."

Skeleton uses the magic present in the bone to move - that's the current hypothesis.

I mean, you can't make skeletons with bones that don't have magic. It is an impossible story to make skeletons out of this bone as long as the giant's bones are infinitely near inorganic.


That's where the Book of God descended on me.

"Magic, non-existent matter... there, magic..."

"Oh, my God?


How to give magic to beings who are inherently devoid of magic. It is inherently impossible, its artistry.

I know that.

Even a mere vitreous being able to 'carve' magic.

"'Engraving Magic' -!"

It's the only way in the world that you can carve your magic and activate magic on substances that don't have magic.

And only one can do it, albeit continental.

Only "Purple Sage" Eleonora can use, "Engraving Magic" -!