When the battle was over and the thread of tension broke, Tor learned a light tingle.

They used a little too much magic.

"And, Tor. That's amazing!

"Ke ho ho ho! What are you doing, Estelle?"

I was alarmed, Estelle slapped me in the back and the permeation coughed hard.

"How can you be so calm? Thor defeated the C-rank demon!

"That's right... I guess I'm just a little tired."

"It's amazing how tired I am."

Estelle smiled bitterly.

True, I was glad this was all I had to do.

Strength was slightly above penetration.

Transmission, however, has an overwhelming lack of combat experience.

If Rockworm's parents went into unexpected behavior, penetration would likely not have been addressed.

Suddenly, for example, if you were changing your target to ester......

Permeation shook his body to his imagination.

I was lucky to be almost unharmed and defeated this time.

The next time you fight as strong an enemy, you may suffer a lot of injuries.

"I need to get my protective gear in place first..."

"Oh, right. You say whoever hears about defeating C-rank demons without even wearing protective gear is crazy? He's only drunk enough to fight demons without his armor on."

The permeate is removed from the space and stirred at once. When the moisture slowly stained my body, I felt just a little refreshed.

As soon as the permeation was resting, Estelle was putting her sword up against the demon wreckage.

"What are you doing?

"We're taking out the Demon Stone. Demons have demonic stones. Bring this to your guild and they'll buy it for a good price."

"It is.... Speaking of which, you didn't take it when you were a goblin."

"What you get from goblins is a scum demon stone. Even though selling it is only a bundle of three sentences, if my clothes get dirty with blood, I will have to buy them again. Unless you're a money-troubled adventurer, you don't dismantle goblins."

"I see."

Previously, when the goblin flesh adhered, the permeation disposed of all clothes.

I tried washing it with water, but I couldn't get rid of the goblin odor.

Even though only scum demon stones can be removed, the garment fails, which is a huge deficit.

I can also nod that there are few adventurers who want to go out of their way to pull out demon stones.

When his health recovered, Permeation also joined the demolition to collect Demon Stones.

The rockworm demon stone is about the size of a thumb. By contrast, Queen Rockworm was pretty big as a baseball ball.

Pack them in a hemp bag and throw them in.

"Anything else to peel off?

"Hmmm. Both Rockworm and Queen, the outer skin can be used for protective equipment...... but honestly there's nothing that's going to sell"

"Something, I'm sorry"

Rockworm was torn to pieces by the [Devil's Sword]. The bug was deliberately crushed because of the assumption that it was highly vital, but it was a little too much.

If you lose your hand in half, you could be backfired from the rock worm you thought you had defeated.

Adding or subtracting a teaspoon to knock it off just fine was difficult to penetrate with little combat experience.

Unlike a fragmented rock worm, Queen is harder to find an uncooked skin. There was no room for this one.

If you get used to combat, the material will remain beautiful and you will also be able to prune only your life. Until then, I'm going to repeat the same thing for a while.

"It's hard to defeat demons while leaving material behind."

"Including that, it's an adventurer's skill. If you want to go up there, you must be skilled. You just have to learn consciously now. It's a download for that."

After collecting the demon stone, the permeators walked out towards Finris.

I guess I'm still losing strength in three days of wildlife. Estelle's feet are heavy.

Usually cheerful ponytails are a lot more important today.

As she walked like that, the permeation slowed down her walking speed.

"Speaking of which, have you completed the request Estelle received?

"Oh. Rockworm was probably the reason Silverwolf became so frequent in this place. Rockworm emerged from behind the woods. Silverwolf, who sensed it, moved to escape the rockworm. I guess the result was an increase in the total number of silver wolves living in shallow forest areas, followed by sightings"

"I see."

"I think Rockworm showed up around here probably because of Goblin"

"Hmm, why is it the goblin?

"Rockworm loves goblin meat more than anything."


Reminds me of the awful smell of goblins, and the permeation flashed his face.

I can't believe I like that one.

"I have an image of goblins everywhere, but they're only around here?

"No. Goblin habitats are widely distributed throughout Aalgard."

"Then it's nothing, can't you say you're here because of the goblins? Maybe he was going somewhere else."

Estelle shook her head gently.

"No, look... we've beaten a lot of goblins recently, haven't we?

"Ah, uh..."

Previously, Permea had defeated a large group of goblins.

The smell of the corpse invited Rockworm to this place.

"If I had burned Goblin's body, this might not have happened..."

Estelle shook her head powerless as a shiver.

If you report a series of flows honestly to your guild, you don't know what kind of shake will come down.

But if you talk about one cause, the penetration is the same.

Permeation caught Queen in a crash of stalactites, but he couldn't be sure of it. We blocked the entrance and exit just in case, but Queen survived the collapse and escaped from the bell cave.

If Estelle is to blame, the penetration for failing to report to the Alliance that Queen or Rockworm were there is the same crime.

Of course, there's no such ridiculous story. I was not an adventurer at the time, and I have no responsibility as an adventurer.

For the same reason, "Estelle doesn't have to take responsibility for the aftermath of the Goblin defeated by a non-adventurer."

"Still, you went on a goblin crusade and ran into a large group, and now you run into a rock worm with a request for an investigation? Ha, I'm not following..."

"Well, I'm an adventurer, and I guess that's what happens sometimes."

"Right. It was just a shame to meet Thor. If we hadn't met, I wouldn't be here right now."

I hit and changed from when I was moaning about bad luck, and Estelle smiled purely.

To that smile, Permea turned puffy in embarrassment.

Out of the woods, Estelle suddenly fell back.

"... su, sorry. If I loosened my mind, I lost my hips."

Estelle looks very pale. My eyes are rolling, my neck is not seated.

I could tell by the light of day, but there was a clear neighborhood under Estelle's eyes.

Wandering in the woods for three days. I must have had a lot of trouble sleeping.

"Let's get some rest."

"I'm sorry. I'd appreciate it if you'd let me sleep for an hour or so. Can you ask for a lookout?

"Of course."

Permeation begins perimeter alert. Estelle lay down and closed her eyes. Then - how much I wanted to sleep. Soon I heard Estelle's sleep.

Permeation made sure Estelle was asleep and let the skillboard unfold.

○ Status

Tor Minaski

Level: 15 20

Race: People Occupation: Swordsman Associate Position: Mage

Position: I Skill Points: 290 340

○ Foundation

[Enhancement + 5]

[Physical enhancement + 5] [Magic enhancement + 5]

[Natural recovery + 5] [Resistance + 5] [Limit breakthrough ]

[STA increase + 5] [MAG increase + 5]

[STR increase + 5] [DEX increase + 5]

[AGI increase + 5] [INT increase + 5] [LUC increase + 5]

○ Technology

Swordsmanship LV4

Intimidation Lv4

Unchanted LV4

Language Lv4

[Demon Sword LV1]

"Whoa, we're at level 20."

Most of the leveled experience must be due to the Queen Crusade. Check the screen in a hokey mood.

"The point is... I'm back to 10 points per level. Um, I still don't know the terms"

Like the last time I leveled up, I didn't suddenly score mass points.

If the defeat of Queen had increased, the possibility had arisen that 'if you defeat a strong enemy, you will earn points', but unfortunately the points only increased as usual.

"I wonder if I'll get any skills"

Thinking about it, Toru remembered what happened in the alley the other day.

At that time, it was good because you could beat your opponent without causing him a lot of injuries occasionally. But there will also be occasions in the future when things don't go well.

Do you have the skills to protect yourself without breaking your opponent?

Often searching among the countless skills stored, Permeation finally discovered the skill.

"This and the rest...... hmm. This fight was critical. All right, let's bottom up the whole thing."

The policy was decided, and the permeation quickly sorted the points.

Skill Points: 340 5

○ Foundation

[Enhancement + 5 8]

[Physical enhancement + 5] [Magic enhancement + 5]

[Natural recovery + 5] [Resistance + 5] [Limit breakthrough ]

[STA increase + 5] [MAG increase + 5]

[STR increase + 5] [DEX increase + 5]

[AGI increase + 5] [INT increase + 5] [LUC increase + 5]

○ Technology

Swordsmanship Lv4 5

Intimidation Lv4 5

Unchanted LV4

Language Lv4


[Demon Sword LV1]

I still don't know as much about the effect of the [enhancement] with the highest point usage rate. But I had already shaken it to some extent. Then I shook him until I could see the effect, and I shook him as hard as I could with half the shit.

In addition, the skills used in the battle were raised to the bottom.

The new one was acquired. With this, he wondered if the permeation could well absorb the attack from the opponent.

When I was in Japan, it was the effect of a master video I saw online.

The big man is knocked down just by touching it.

If that move can be imitated, if it is some thug, it should be raised.

Of course this is not just for self-defense.

is the martial arts that most rationally use the body. It is the pole of rational and scientific technology, which fuses the vectors of muscle movement and force, the principle of the jade born from the connective position of the bone, etc.

Permeation was learned in anticipation of other movements - for example, swordsmanship operations - that would also have a good impact if you were in the mood.

The experience of skill acquisition was immediately demonstrated.

I can clearly understand the trees around me, the grass flowers, the air, how they are moving now and where they are going. It was as if the resolution of the world had gone up all at once.

I unconsciously expanded the range I could.

That's not the only thing that has changed. After swinging his skills, the permeation slightly altered his center of gravity. That's all, my body stabilized as if it had pierced the ground.

Now I'm confident that I won't blow up when Rikshi comes in.

"Wow...... I just gave you one, and it looks like you're totally different."

One swing from Lv0 to Lv4 and one swing change from Lv5 felt completely separate in penetration.

"I wonder if going up from 4 to 5 will change the skill's character"

Although the skill name has not changed, changes such as the evolution to so-called advanced skills may have occurred inside the skill.

Or perhaps once a certain level has been reached, there will be benefits such as new effects being granted.

There was another thing that I felt changed in my normal state.

"... thoughts are dabbling"

Permeation noticed that there was more than one thought moving around in his head. Though Permea tested her skills, another thought was thinking about dinner today.

"I'm just a little hungry. That's not true. What is this? Disgusting."

It feels like a completely different personality has entered my head.

But all thoughts are of themselves. I'm the one who improved my skills, and I'm the one who's thinking about it. Hard to complain about either.

I'm going to have a hard time getting used to it.

Parallel activation while the thought spins fast causes the permeable thought to move around visibly.

In the meantime, thoughts contoured all memories and derived the possibility of not even thinking.

"- Huh!?"

The penetration that came to mind of the possibility took a slight breath.

"He's a bit, there's something dangerous about him"

"Right. Did that mean something like this......!

Looking back where the information was connected, the dialogue spoken by the guard was felt in a completely different way.

"Maybe he felt something."

The guards manage people entering and leaving Finris. It is possible that the situation was somewhat visible with information obtained from people entering or leaving.

But he had no proof.

And not in the present penetration, either.

"... what to do"

Penetration stared at the skillboard until Estelle woke up and continued to think about a course of action after returning to Finris.