At the end of the road is the Church of Naisis.

"I didn't expect to get there in one shot..."

Compared to the last time it took me nearly half a day to get here, I got there pretty smoothly.

Something that covered this church, like shelter from people, is currently shutting down.

From within the church, I felt many signs.

The permeation slowly walks over to the church.

When I gently opened the door, much the same interior got into my eyes as last time.

But unlike last time, there's a lot of footprints on the floor.

I have footprints, but I don't see people.

"Oh, I knew it..."

Seeing this footprint, Perforation was convinced.

'Everyone will be using it soon, so keep it clean in every corner!

Nais is a god of destiny.

Knowing this fate, he made a "request" to the transcendents.

In anticipation of the fact that the inhabitants of Finris will use this temple when Finris falls into distress......

"If you knew, you could have told me from the beginning"

But transmitting it through could have changed the future.

That's why Nesis didn't teach it to me.

Convinced so, Turbo opened the lid on the floor with [Demon Sword].

"Excuse me. Gentlemen, are you all right?

Someone must have used it. Thanks to the "writing" being lit, the permeation was clearly visible to the back of the shelter.

There were a lot of people in the underground shelter.

When the people were frightened by the fact that the permeation had vacated the lid, but found it to be a human being who opened it, they breathed a blatant relief.

As the turbulence descended the stairs, one of the evacuated inhabitants, a magnificent man, approached.

"You're, uh..."

"I am an adventurer."

"Tor kun. What happened out there?

"It's all over now. I put out the fire, and I almost knocked out the demons. All you have to do is make sure the surviving demons aren't lurking."


When the transmission conveyed the situation outside, there was a voice of joy in the shelter.

Some of them are hugging each other and weeping.

Sewing between the people who had evacuated like that, the permeation headed in front of a certain wall.

There's no such thing as a weird wall. But I can see a few main lines in the wall.

This wall was previously peeled off when the penetration dried indoors.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. Can you get up on the ground, please?

"Hmm, what do you mean? I'm guessing you haven't been completely safe yet, have you?

"Yes, but I think we'll be fine if we don't get out of church"


"This is the Church of Naesis. As long as you're in church, the Fate God, Nathan, will keep you from attacking demons."

This church in particular is a place that most people could not reach before the disturbances.

If fate befalls you, there shouldn't be enough creation to keep the demons from reaching the church.

By the way, Toru persuaded him, Toru felt the thought of saying, "What are you talking about?"

In that white space, Nesis may also be drooling over one of his complaints, but that's not what I learned to penetrate.

I have imposed the title of the transcendence on [Nais' servant], so I want to at least have enough "consideration" to deceive God's will.

With the persuasion of permeation, the inhabitants who had been evacuated began to move to the ground.

The permeation closes its lid itself to make sure that all its inhabitants have made their way to the ground.


The permeator manifested the [Devil's Sword] and placed it on the upper stage in front of the wall.

(Dear Naesis, I'm sorry. Break the wall)

'Yes, yes, fine. I didn't fix it properly later. "

Transmission felt like such a thought had arrived.

For some reason she flickers with her hands, snuggling her potatoes (?) I came to think of it as true, but I'm sure it's my fault.

I also received God's ink, so the permeation quickly waved down the [Devil's Sword] against the wall.

- Shh.

The Devil's Sword ripped through the walls without sound.

I quickly put my hands on that wall and gently placed it on the floor so that it wouldn't break.

Beyond the wall, the same as last time, underground waterways are spread.

Touching the air in it, the permeation gained certainty.

"After all, Silverwolf broke in from here."

What the permeation felt was the smell of silver wolf mixed with the air.

You wouldn't have noticed if it were normal penetration. However, I am currently using "enhanced sense of smell".

The slightest odor will not be missed.



Because of "enhanced sense of smell", I felt the smell of sewage and the permeation was often extinguished.

It smells terrible. My nose is going to bend.

I often endure it until my nose gets used to it.

Teary-eyed permeation looks around the waterway to the left and right and is aware of the sense of smell.

Mixed with the awful smell of sewage, the smell of silver wolf drifts.

"This way."

It was in the downstream direction of the sewage that the smell was strong.

Towards that end, the permeation walked out.

Sewage is installed in a sewage flow waterway where people who would be for maintenance can walk.

Light "Writing" on your palms and move forward early enough.

As he even proceeded through the sewer, where only the sound of water flowing, Permea discovered the figure of a man in white monastic clothing.

"Uh, Mr. Luca?

"Oh, is that Mr. Thor?

The woman who looked back was definitely Luca, a C-rank adventurer.

A dagger is lowered at the waist in a white monastic garment engraved with the Holy Mark of Forcellus.

"Why is Mr. Luca here?

"That's my dialogue. Why is Mr. Thor here?

"I thought the most suspicious route to Silverwolf was the sewer, so I came in from the basement of the Church of Naesis."

"You were. As a matter of fact... when I returned to Forcellus Church, all the inhabitants I had evacuated had been killed by Silverwolf."

As I remembered the situation then, Luca frowned and held herself to it with both hands.

This exposes the line of the body.

A normal man would have caught his eye. It was an attractive curve, but the permeation only saw Luca's face.

"When I checked the church, I noticed a big hole in the basement. I thought it might be the Silver Wolf intrusion route, and this is how I came to explore it."

"You did, didn't you"

Imagining the tragedy within the church, the permeation wrinkled between the brows.

If the permeation had not repaired the walls during cleaning, the same could have happened in the Church of Naesis.

"By the way, Mr. Luca, I'd like to ask you one question."

"What is it?

"From Luca, why does it smell like silver wolf?

Ever since I was in a common well, I had felt the smell of silver wolf from Luca.

The permeation is what I've always wondered.

Is that smell on you during the fight?

From Lily's story, Trans hears Luca was always skipping directions to adventurers.

Also, she is not currently wet in demonic return blood.

She wears two names: bloodstain.

I mean, that means we're not fighting demons directly.

She doesn't have the factors that make the smell of silver wolf stick to her body.

"It's terrible to smell a woman. Now in time of war. I don't know where or what kind of smell it smells like."

"Right. Let's change the subject."

The penetration asked slightly lower the center of gravity so that it could move at any time.

"Mr. Luca, why are you lowering your dagger?

"... Huh?

"Your fortune, called the bloody Luca, must have been mace."

Adventurers take care of weapons.

Because that's the tool that keeps your life.

Sometimes being able to be a weapon divides life and death in battle.

I don't have to know if it's normal, and if it's weird, I can't lightly change my specialty weapon.

Yet Luca is not a good weapon mace, she has her dagger down her waist.

The enemy would have broken in from now on, stepping into the sewer.

Until now, it was strange to think that an adventurer who had risen with a single mace suddenly changed his weapon to something strange.

"Who the hell are you?