Infinite Animation Mall

Chapter Sixty: An Unexpected Meeting

Looking at her is not so difficult to get along with.It's just that I'm getting used to it, my nature is not bad.Shuang Feiyang didn't mind that much. She also remembered the things Die Xiaojiao helped her just now.

So, he pointed to the room in front: "You will sleep next door to me." After speaking, he walked in.Die Xiaojiao got a satisfactory answer, and naturally returned to her room. It was quite convenient to find someone to talk to at night.

I don't know if it is her illusion, I always feel that Big Brother Bai doesn't seem to like Shuang Feiyang very much.But what happened just now was that Shuang Feiyang stayed because of his relationship, which shows that he actually didn't know that he hated him so much.

Just entering the long stay, inevitably bustling.Everyone stood together in groups to discuss the matter of seeing the three gods tomorrow. Die Xiaojiao naturally wanted to join in, but she hadn't contacted strangers for a long time, and she seemed a little cramped.

Bai Yu pulled the people over. One month later, the disciples who really stayed were the disciples who stayed for a long time. Now they are just waiting for the final selection. Don't just build any deep friendship with people at this time.

"Big Brother Bai, what are you doing? I also want to go and see..." After speaking, Die Xiaojiao looked at Bai Yu pitifully.You know that if he doesn't let go, he can only stand here, but Bai Yu seems unmoved.

Silence is the best answer. Die Xiaojiao doesn't say much when she knows she is out of play.I had to sit aside with Bai Yu, silently eating the white rice in front of me, it seemed to be tasteless.However, one person was equally unmoved.

Die Xiaojiao glanced at him curiously, and knew that he was not someone to approach.When she passed the pool just now, she also saw that this person, like herself, had no response to the pool water, plus his previous performance in passing the level.

Definitely a person of superior strength, naturally there are a few people around who want to flatter.It's a pity that he either didn't speak, or he just grabbed people's lifeline and forced them to shut up. After so many times, no one dared to approach him.

Due to Bai Yu's relationship, Die Xiaojiao could not sit with Shuang Feiyang.There seems to be no shortage of friends around her, there is always a large group of people around her, chirping and not knowing what they are talking about, Shuang Feiyang smiles brightly.

Suddenly, Die Xiaojiao was a little envious.It would be great if I had so many friends, chatting, talking, chatting, and going to fun places.Unfortunately, she didn't have any, but the only thing to be thankful for was.

Big Brother Bai has always been by his side and never left.Perhaps this had exhausted all her luck in her life, and kept the only one around her. She couldn't help but glanced at him twice, while Bai Yu continued to eat her own meal in silence.

He didn't care about the matter just now with Die Xiaojiao.This girl caught up with Shuang Feiyang so quickly, she was not a good person.It's okay, it's better to stay away from her as much as possible, but when I passed the pool just now, somehow.

His heart seems to be hollowed out, he is not a person in this time and space.Therefore, he knew that he wouldn't feel any feeling when he crossed the pool, but Die Xiaojiao didn't even have it. What does this mean?She has no desires at all...

Where did Die Xiaojiao know Bai Yu's current inner struggle, but she was a little curious about the person who had never spoken much.He kept his face tense and didn't know who he owed him eight hundred and eighty thousand yuan, it was just because of his low pressure.

Die Xiaojiao didn't dare to approach rashly, but it was not impossible.It depends on Bai Yu's willingness to help...

Feeling someone's scorching gaze, Bai Yu gradually raised his head.At this moment, Die Xiaojiao was looking at him with wide-eyed eyes. Bai Yu picked up the white cloth by the table, wiped his hands, and said, "What's the matter?" This girl is fine, but she wouldn't behave like this.

"Big Brother Bai, look at that person, why don't you keep talking?" With that, Die Xiaojiao glanced over, Shuo Feng seemed to be aware of it, and glanced in the direction where they were sitting, Die Xiaojiao immediately lowered Lost his head.

Bai Yu also looked back unceremoniously, and the two looked at each other for a full minute.Just when Die Xiaojiao's time was stagnant, Shuofeng finally lowered his head and started processing the food in front of him again.

All Die Xiaojiao felt that he was dealing with the food in front of him. The main reason was that every time he eats, there is no difference in his movements, and even every chewing seems so mechanical, repetition is meaningless, and those who don’t know think he Who was abused.

"Die Xiaojiao, you still don't lean too close to him." Suddenly, Bai Yu said.Die Xiaojiao looked up at him and felt that his words were a bit inexplicable. She didn't intend to approach him at first. After all, this aura was really unbearable.

Everyone eats a meal with his own mind.Tomorrow is the day to meet the three gods, it is a lie to say that it is not excited.Die Xiaojiao was already pacing around in her room, almost stepping on the board, but still couldn't sleep peacefully.

The main thing was thinking about tomorrow, and I was so excited that I couldn't sleep."Nearby, don't sleep anymore, don't blame me asking my father to kill you!" Suddenly, Shuang Feiyang in the next room shouted impatiently, and Die Xiaojiao immediately fell silent.

But she didn't intend to sleep honestly, why didn't she think of it.For such a good opportunity, we should go over there and chat!It seems that she is not sleeping well, she must be the same as herself, so excited!

"Boom boom boom..." Die Xiaojiao gently knocked on Shuang Feiyang's door, but she didn't expect her voice from the horse inside.It seemed that he was right what he thought. After entering, Shuang Feiyang was dressed neatly and did not seem to fall asleep at all.

Maybe I was a little annoyed by myself just now, Die Xiaojiao first apologized.After that, he sat down consciously, poured a cup of tea, and began to talk.At first, Shuang Feiyang didn't pay much attention to her, just couldn't listen.

But then, after the topic gradually opened up.The two of them started talking more, and they talked about most of the night, but in the end Shuang Feiyang hurried Die Xiaojiao back...