This is a konjac!

Many people have bright eyes, maybe this is the case!

Perhaps, Bai Yu's previous movement seems to be very simple, but it is very likely that all power broke out, and the ability of the bottom of the box has been erupted so that the opponent will win.

Maybe, Bai Yu's combat power has come to the end!

It must be like this, many people think so.

Otherwise, the despicable ants of the ridiculous islands in a region have such a strong combat power, which makes them feel embarrassed.

"Konjac, failure, dare to come out?"

White feather stared at the konjac, cold and cold.

The konjac has a look.

In the secret of the emperor, he is indeed shaking hands with white feather, not a white feather opponent.

"Capricorn, let's go, let this child know that my Tianyu Devil Tianjiao is great!"

"Yes, with your strength, take him away, this is easy!"

Other young people of Tianyu Devils opened their mouths, making the face of the konjac more gloomy.

"How? Don't you dare not fight with me? Do you recognize failure directly? And you can give me a scroll!"

White feather smiled.

"Hurricane, konjac, give me a good lesson!"

Have youth anger.

thump! thump! .

The konjac went out, his eyes stared at Bai Yu, then said: "Bai Yu, this time, for a while, now I am enough to defeat you!"


On the konjac, the powerful breath broke out!

Wuhuang Sanfeng!

Only after the mystery of the emperor, how long is the practice of konjac, in fact, reached the peak of the Emperor's three mountain peaks.

The role like konjac is suppressed too much at the highest level. Once they break through the emperor, fix the flying.

However, in the pace of Wu Emperor, the previous accumulation is almost exhausted, and progress will slow down.

But this is enough to make the konjac confidence. His cultivation is nearly two levels than Bai Yu.

Every step of konjac is taken out, and his breath will be stronger. His magic body sparkles, magic can't flow.

"Konjac is a rare medium-vital body. It has reached the peak of Emperor Villa, it is enough to suppress this child!"

"Well, I don't know, this child can stop some tips!"

Some young people in Tiansong began to talk about it.

"Capricorn, you are very confident, but I hope not to be as before!"

Bai Yu smiled softly.

The previous two are also confident, but the result is the defeat!

"Black Magic Boxing!"

Konjac suddenly screamed, his body is like electricity, he rushed to Bai Yu, and he hit a white feather.

The fist has passed, and the void is shocked, bringing a terrorist storm.


Bai Yu smiled and took it out. Prosperity!

These two people's fists, bomb together, such as two huge hammers, collided in the air.

The magical gas is surging, the moment of the two fists collided, the face of the konjac is shocked, and the body dances in the distance.


Tian Yu Mozong and other young people, their eyes suddenly.

In front of confrontation, konjac was actually repelled.

Konjac, but the middle spirit, the body is very powerful, but Bai Yu is a boxing back, is Lu Ming, is also a medium spirit?

The middle spirit of the 13 top Zongmen troops in Zhangzhou is considered a very rare spirit.

"Black Magic Print!"

The konjac left one hundred meters, his face was gloomy, he screamed in the sky, his magic explosion broke out. When the flame is burning, the radius is 100 meters, all in the magic.

Huge palm granules, formed by high altitude, covering the sky, covering the sun, moving towards white feather.

Powerful horror!

The power of the konjac is indeed very powerful, I don't know how much it is better than the former emperor.

Whether it is a spiritual force or a wild martial arts, it is very amazing. The three peaks of the ordinary emperor Wuhuang cannot stop the konjac, must kill.

But the white feather face is still calm.


White feather soared, the chaotic fields shrouded, showing imprisoned temperament.

Luming's body, under the palm of the konjac, very small, but when the luming fist hits the magic road, the magic road will print out and collapsed.

Bai Yu walked through the magic and went to the konjac. The cold voice appeared: "Konjac, your strength, only these? This is disappointing!"


Konjac roar, just a combination of his spirit and martial arts. It can be said that he has played his strength to the peak, but in the hands of Bai Yu, he is very fragile.

"Kowloon is going to heaven!"

Bai Yu took a step, his body shape appeared on the top of the konjac. He walked nine steps, a Kowloon mad flying out of the konjac.


The konjac roared, the body of the magic made a light, the whole body covered the whole body, a palm was smashed, an palm of grapes, exploded over the Kowloon, and flew out of Kowloon, but then Bai Yu appeared in front of the konjac, wasched.


Konjac flying directly, vomiting blood, chest depression.

Lost, konjac fans!

Everyone looks at it. Just now, if the white feather is behind, the konjac is dead.

Seeing white feathers, everyone is shocked.

Bai Yu's combat power is terrible. As a medium-minded konjac, when he was led by the white feather. He is easily defeated by White Feather.

Land is the best spirit?

Many people are trembling and think of this possibility!


They immediately secretly shook their heads.

The spirit of the top society, there are not many people in Zhangzhou, each is a stunning and brilliant person, no combat power, and a young and invincible person.

White feathers, how can become the spirit of the upper layer?

In fact, Bai Yu is not a good spirit, but a medium spirit, but Bai Yu has spent the disaster chaos in the flesh, and there is a mess in the body, making white feather's body becomes strong. Far far exceeds the same level. Although his current spirit is a medium spirit, it may not be as bad as a good spirit.

In addition, Bai Yu now broke the Emperor, and the chaotic venue broke through the second level, and the combat power was greatly improved. It is more powerful than the secret of the emperor.

In the field of chaos, although it is difficult to cultivate, it is very difficult to upgrade. However, for each level of breakthrough, the improvement of power is also terrible.

"damn it!"

The konjac roared in his heart, his eyes look very calm, watching white feathers.

However, Bai Yu directly neglected him, his eyes swept through the audience and said: "Who else, play it up?" *