Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and Twelfth Wars Ji Section 24

"Yes! I am too much like this, Hilfu you quickly put the clothes!"

When I saw that Ericssha said that You Lima changed the previous attitude, how to say this, it is said that I may not listen.

"Ok. . . "

Hilfu seems a bit unhappy, but since it is the master's order, it can only do it.

"You listen to the words of Aisha. . . "

Aijir looked at the blessing on the side, but this sound of self-speaking is not asked.

"The actual combat lesson in the afternoon is not on, otherwise we take Hilfu to buy a few clothes together? I can't always wear your clothes. "

Hilfua cute face and petite body did not evoke Aisa's girl. Just like each girl likes to wear beautiful clothes for cute dolls, I am about this kind of mood now.

"Is it shopping? I also need to go! "

Aijir is also excited, you know that in this month, he is a penalty for a penalty, and there is no chance to rest. How can this happiness play a chance to play?

"Then let's go back to the dormitory to pack it." "

Aisha and Ejier pulled up Hilfu's small hand, but Hilfu said helpless. At this moment, she gives people feel like it is the same. Because I know this is the owner's friend, it is not good to resist.

"Ah ... that ... I remember that you are called Kyle? I will accept it! Thank you ~"

You didn't forget to go to the Ground of the Ground on the ground. It's just that this is a ridicule.

". . . . . . . . "

Hate, angry feelings in Kyle is like a fire that is constantly burning, and his tears under his eyes are also arrogant, he is proved by humiliation.

"Be sure to kill this person."

Grasping the fist is secretly determined to be lifted by everyone in the medical office of Claire.

26. Girl's little skirt

"You guys really don't live, even Kelle dare to be sin. Even if you win the sword, how about winning the sword? People have a Duke of Dad. "

"I think this person is a full old bio, he will definitely think of this. What do you think about his talent magic? It's not good to make the sword, just like him, it is he used to use his own talent magic. "

"Yup! It seems that it seems to be the case. If you can't get it, the first time Kyle is yin. It's a poor Kyle, which lost the sword and lost people. "

"Hey ... Teacher Claire said, Kyle's thoughts can only know the people in our class. If you have passed out, I am afraid we are huge. "

"Don't say it ... we continue to copy the penalty yesterday ..."

The students returned to the dormitory have made this view, and everyone is unified to believe that God has been able to rely on their own talent magic. And finally, it is not because of the strength of You, but because "Hilfu" is a god sword. Since it is a god sword, it must have an unusual killing. However, under the repeated order of Claire, this matter is like this, Kyle is only known for the 12 people present.

At this point, in the city center, Guo and Igil are waiting for the door of the clothes, waiting for Eric, Hilfu.

You stopped sneezing in the door of the locker room.

"You have a cold yourself, and Hilfu is still doing clothes. "

Aijir glanced at it, he didn't say good luck.

"No cold, just don't know why the nose suddenly itchy."

You said that I also blinded the nose, I always feel that someone said that she said my bad words behind him.

"Are you coming out with Ericza? ? "

Ai Jilia looked at the smile.

"It is not nervous!" Word of Ai Shari, Hilfu, what do you follow? "

If there is no such thing, this can be a separate date you and Aisha. Although there is also Hilfu, but you can change Hillfu to the sword. ~ But now I haven't necessite ...

"I also want to pick clothes with Hilfu, what opinions do you have? ? "

Aijir is very uncomfortable, with anything of Austa, you can't come.

"There is no opinion for you, but it is a bit for your taste of your clothes ..."

You looked at the tight brown cotton coats wrapped in Aijir. The uneven bodybuilder is completely strict, if it is not a little bit of this face, if it is not a little bit of the face, I am afraid it will be missed to be a uncle that hunting from outside.

"What can I have! But now in winter! "

Ai Gil heard this sentence, and his eyes took a Mars.

"I see Ericssha, I didn't wear you."

"She is practicing the ice magic!" The body can resist, so we can wear cute little skirts this day! "

"The cockier is not wearing so much!"

"The teacher is a top fire magic! It's good to bring your constant temperature! ! "