Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited apostles and 12th Wars Ji Section 100

Aijir said that it was excited to sit. Looking at the scorpion of the stars and looking at you.

"The next stage of the fight .. I think ....."

You said that I have begun to recall the kind of food that I have studied in my mind. The first step in this kind of gas is to breathe to make your breathing stabilize, then combine the external air and its own unacceptable magic, form a new energy, that is the fighting gas. This first step is completed, the fighting gas will be gathered in the cultist's Dantian, then the subtlety changes to the cultivator system. Only, this time, the trium enthusiasm cannot be controlled by the cultivator, so this is going to carry out the second part.

Thinking of this, you will start to explain this second step for the second step. First of all, I Gil must do their own triumph in Dantian, and then control the fighter to swim in their own body. First control one, then two, three shares, and finally until the seven stocks all open, and the fighting gas will be entered into the meridians under the whole body. This makes a better change in the system of truffle, thus making the foundation for the next cultivation.

Ai Gil listened to understand, after all, she never touched these things. When he said that "meridians", I Gil is even more.

"The meridian is awkward? What is the stuff in Dantian?"

Not only Aijir, I am afraid that people on this continent will listen to it. Therefore, he can only turn over the head to begin to explain from Dantian and meridians. As a result, it was in this afternoon to explain the human body with Aijir.

However, these are not married, and they are not blamed. After all, this continent is dominated by ancient times, so there is no magic of the study and cultivation of the fighting gas. It is very fast to be replaced by the magic, thus exiting the historic stage.

On this continent, the fighting gas may be just a way to fight against the magic. However, they don't know that in the distant oriental continent, the fighting gas has been developed to the extreme. It has a variety of confessions, and a variety of ways to practice. Just I didn't realize that he is now teaching Aijir's cultivation method, which is the highest deep door road in the Eastern continent.

After you explained all, Aijir's convenience was in the end of the two days of full-body investment in the cultivation of the triumph. Although Ejier initially felt that the top of the tongue is very tongue, the tongue is very tongue, but these three months of the self-sufficiency will come out, but no one can see it. This is not a few people, but I can't do it in my heart. Originally, I was just a silent ugly duckling. Now I turned into the gods in the mouth of the people, and these changes are undoubtedly a help.

In the last day of the road, I Gil finally mastered a way to control the fighter.

. . . . .

At this time, Igil is lying on the sofa in the carriage, red cheeks, the expression on the face is like laughing, then shouted with very shy sound:

"metamorphosis! ! Don't touch me! ! It's itchy ~~ Well ~! ! "

"You have a violent female who wants you !! I just use the external force to help you spread the fighting gas, or you will not open this gas in Dantian!"

You said that he pushed with his finger to the bottom of the Aijir belly.

"Ah ~~~~ What do you want to do with a metamorphosis! ! ! "

Ai Jilia was soothing, and the soft belly was immediately passed, but this itching was also mixed, so that Igil was a bit unknown. So Aijir's ability to got the head of You, kicked the youth to the opposite sofa.

"Lying! I will help you cultivate, you still kick me !! Hilfu you help me review the review !!"

I shouted with my head and shouting my head. However, the Hilfu sitting next to him is just turning the head to the window, then in the mouth, the small sound:

"I don't evaluate the life of the owner. "

┐ (¯ ¯) ┌

91. Lawrence Manor

After three days of time, you finally arrived in Ghesta.

This carriage entered the city, and he didn't have nonsense.

Just, this is more desolate, the more you go, wait until the manor in your mouth, III, II, I'm discovering that things began to become.

In front of the manor door is broken, the weeds in the garden are crowded, obviously an unmanned modeling.

Look at the building of the manor body, the tattered window and the rotten door, it is all the samples of a ghost house.

"This .. this is the Lawrence Manor ??

I watched the car and asked.

"Yes, this is the Lawrence Manor. However, the people who have lived here have been missing more than ten years ago. So this yard has been abolished, and there is no one to ask. "

The driver answered the question of You, but this answer is too incredible.

After Ai Gil listened, the brow was slightly frowned, and the surname written in the infants of Aisha was true, but listening to the car so much, it seems that Lawrence has been missing, Mo Sabo is. . . . .

Thinking of this, Aijir is not self-defeating.

The magic used by Ericas, is a cold ice, and those who are difficult to do not have an ice? ?

But no matter what, Erosse is your own good friend, so even if she is a female ghost, I have to catch out and ask.

Just thinking, at this moment, standing in front of this fashionable house, Aijir is still aware of the arm.

And You will not retreat because of the horror of the house, I only see that he didn't think it, and he walked in the house.

Aijir is tightly holding a bless, and the soft two groups in front of the chest will embed the arm.

However, even if you have a soft touch on your arm, but unfortunately, he is now completely thinking about it.

I saw the hall of the house, gave a look at the broken furniture, and some broken ornaments.

You can affirm that no one has lived for a long time, and there is no fluctuation of any energy among the ruins.

Therefore, next to you just turn it in each room, you are ready to leave this house.

However, when you want to leave, a portrait of a living room is deeply attracted to the eyes of You.

This portrait is painted, it is a beautiful silver hair woman. However, this is not the key to attracting bless.