Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and 1285 Ji Section 285

Then I only heard an angry female voice:

"You have a slag, the sword of T is not let go !!"], then surprised:

You - Look is Lua coming in, so I quickly collapsed [

Seeing the spirit of Luna, the hovered stone in his heart finally

I want to know that Luna is not awake, I am very worried, now

Put down. The pink fist rushed up.

However, if you didn't wait for the react, I saw that Luna waved her to see Lua said:

Youyi, this fist, hurry to hide. Then only big !! "

"You are not a child, how can you get a bed?

When Luna listens to fire, I shouted: Forget it, you also tarnished my friend! Snake my friends! Now

"Get up! Are you still a good idea? Turn me too much !!"

Even my sword, you don't let go !!! You are still very embarrassed to say that I will say:

I heard this if I heard this, I didn't have done it on the ground! -! Don't believe you, ask her! "

"Wait !! You all misunderstood !! I really don't have powerful booth on the ground, look at the front, mouth

However, when the Luna eye shifted to Eshia, I saw the tone of the dissatisfaction with dissatisfaction:

There is also a silver wire, and then I only see Ekiya lips, use

"Don't stop ... Continue ..." and then slowly become the original silver white fine sword.

However, Dr. Ashia has completely lost consciousness, when is the time of coma, not to come here! This is not intentionally

- 3 3

Don't you go with yourself !! Little, I have eaten Eshia directly.

However, it is time to think, it seems that I have said that I have to write one by myself:

At this moment, You suddenly remembered the ancient Oriental mainland book.


Luna looked at the you said:

"What else do you explain now ??

You I'm a face, and then he said:

"Luna, you have to believe me, I ..." You twisted together.

However, boy hasn't finished, Luna pounces to You, and is Luna. I saw that Luna-side is buckled with the crosslock.

However, the principle of You is not to fight a woman, let alone each other, he will break free, and then shout:

Don't let what you believe in your chest, - side with your thighs

"Even our children are not willing to admit, do you tell me what you don't feel? This empire is so powerful, how is this

How do you still say what kind of child is still saying!

So behind the face ?? When each other is more energetic, the door of You suddenly has been played. I saw it at this time.

Just in Luna and You are in a certain unknown posture

The lady came in with the basket, said:, so I took some fruits from the resource of Mongu and my sister.

"Happy people, I feel old, my husband, she should wake up."

Come, hope that it is the bless and Luna, which is the limbs.

However, when Lish said while walking, close the door, and said outside the door:

The "

"To .. Sorry to bother to two. Fruits are how we are strange when I am.

This - says that Luna reacts to himself and bless this sound:

However, I haven't waited Luna Song to start, I heard that there will be no lady in the door, but I am very lonely, but my lady is pregnant.

"That ... although I understand the growers

In your body, you are still better than you are.

Youyi listened to this moment immediately: