Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and 128th Wars

At this moment, Youzheng dinner in a restaurant in the center of town, and sitting opposite him is the purple boy who has just been saved, Ian.

At this moment, I saw that Ian had a roast lamb in front of you, and said with a full-contaminated tone:

"Big Brother! You are really talent !!!"

Said that I saw Ian to eat the legs in his hands, then picked up the sheep next to it.

However, he did not have a happy because of Ian's appreciation, I saw him stretching his face and looked at Ian:

"When do you still have to follow me? I said that I am not good to ask them."

And Ian heard the sentence and nodded and said:

"Yes! Yes! That is not asking for money, it is voluntary!"

Ian is thinking about this seemingly stupid person. This is a genius! Take this - say, even if you tell the guards, you are willing, how can you break the law?

At this time, I saw that I was very impatient, I took out the corresponding coins from my own space rings, and I handed it to the waiter standing on the side, and then left out the restaurant.

Ian saw the blessing, quickly grab the lamb chops did not finish, and chasing the footsteps.


Ian - follow the pace of You, - edge talk

CE good

"Dad, don't go! You can play, this will play, it is better to join hands, then find a few big fits and lie one - wave?"

You heard this, immediately stopped, then bent over, I, said:

"I said that it is not a deception! I have important things now, and because of your reasons, I have been delayed for a few days.

Ian heard that he smiled and said:

"Don't lie to me! Do you really want to find a flameless witch? But the flame witch is an imperial! What is your strength in the kingdom?"

You heard that this did not pay attention to Ian, because you could chase Kyle, the kingdom of Kyle was temporarily known. Therefore, after hearing this scam of Ian, he will not hesitate to run.

I think that I only see my pace here, I am going to ask other places to listen to the falls of the cobble.

Ian saw the faster, quickly chasing the blessing. But I didn't run a few steps, he found that he didn't catch up with the speed of the blessing.

Although Ian is a boy, it is not as good as a weak woman. It has not yet running a few steps.

You look back at Ian didn't help Iy, just because of your own kindness.

However, You didn't know why f, who called Ian's teenager looked very familiar, as if I have seen it, I have seen it.

390. Drag people

After you have opened Ian, you will go to the adventurers union and pubs to continue to listen to the fall. However, until the sunset, You did not inquire about any intelligence about coco and Kyle.

Under the helplessness, I can only sit in the fountain of the city center.

You came to the kingdom without anyone, because you would like to find cockroaccom, so it is a seal in order to facilitate it, and a person rushed to the direction of the kingdom.

However, things are willing to violate, and you are anxious to find cockers, the more you can't find it, and even the Ding point can not drop. Finally, it is difficult to hear the news, and the result is still fake. This is undoubtedly like a hot heart. - The basin cold water is generally cold half.

Today is the second month of You came to the kingdom, but now I can't find the Hilfu, but I haven't seen it for a long time, I haven't seen it for a long time, and my mood is around. In the heart of You.

Before You come to the kingdom, there is no good and lovedor. I don't know if Aea will not be angry, I don't know that ASS will not chase themselves.

However, You said in advance and Luna discussion, Luna feels that you are going to find Kyle, or you can go to you, you will have a lot of dangerous things, and the strength of Aisha is not enough. Coping these.

Even if you have given the seeds of Yurier [Vientiane] in the dream to Aisha, Aisha did not show any power of [Vientiane]. So I feel that it is better to let Ericsson stay in the empire. After all, the empire is now Luna is very safe.

I think that I only see the night sky that I have looked at it, she sighs:

"Come ... where have you been?"

- At the time of the love of each other, the whole head was invaded.

I don't know how long it took, Yousi finally returned to the line of sight, and silently turned to go to the next city. However, when you turn your body, he suddenly saw a tall in the corner. He was dragged into the alley.

Although at this moment have arrived late at night, the fire fire in the four times has been destroyed, but he will not read the moonlight, and the people who have just dragged into the alley are the teenagers of the purple haired this afternoon.

Thinking here, I saw You - a scientific rush to the alley, shouting the people inside:

At this time, Ian has been blocked, tied his hands, picking up the shoulders of the high portions.

And You this - shout, I saw the high-profile shadow of Ian, and then looked at the guys:

You just step forward at this moment, then again - the order-like tone:

When you say this, I saw the high son of people and smiled.