Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and 122nd Ji Section 502

What will Linda will not have? Will you encounter danger??

This idea this idea occupies the entire mind.

However, this palace has been turned over by himself, but I didn't see the figure of Linda. Where will this Linda go???

And at this time, I saw a guard who left behind Wang Palace shouted:

"Why are you !! Why is it in the door of the [Shawang Temple] ?? Is it a secretion !! ??

However, when this guard has not finished saying, he only heard another man's voice came from the defending of the guard, said:

Even if you are assassin, what do you plan? I am afraid you just blink your eyes, and the head has been cut off by this person. "

The guards heard this and he was angry and turned to the sky:

"Mom! Who are you! ??

However, the guards turned, and she was standing in the original place, and then said loudly:

"To .....s you can't afford to Drai, I don't know if you are ..."

People who have just said this sentence are not someone else, it is the third child of the kingdom, Derel.

At this time, I saw De Riera shake his hand, and it is nothing to say to the guard, and then look at him.

"Scholar, see you so anxious, can I help you?,? J4

This guards who have seen the third prince are so polite to the people, so they have to stand on the side, and they don't dare to say nonsense.

However, you saw De Riella here, asked with extremely unfriendly tone:

"All the royal family should go to worship the ancestor ?? How do you stay here? J

The reason why he is not friendly is because he is suspected that Linda's disguise is a ghost. Because Derella is obviously the third prince of the empire, but in this time, the time of the ancestors appeared in the palace, how do you think it is awkward.

However, De Riera heard this, but said helplessly:

"It's awkward, I am the son who is adopted after being killed, there is no blood of the royal family, so this is not involved in the matter of this ancestor."

You said that he said that he said:

So Draira - Said that You also found that this Decila is not like the fear of the king.

You also learned from Linda to know that the customs of the kingdom were not allowed to participate in the students, so, at this time, Draira was also very reasonable.

De Riera saw the hostility to herself, and he hurriedly asked:

"So what happened, I don't know if I am gang."

Drady's attitude is very sincere, but he is still unable to believe in this person. ,of

However, now find Linda is a top priority, this light is blessed, and it will be able to find a lot of time.

Wan - Linda really has a three long two shorts during this period, then he has no face to see the Snake and Linda's two.

But at this moment, if you use the identity of Derela 3, it can use the guard to find Linda, so that you can shorten the time to reduce the possibility of Linda.

Thinking of this, I saw De Raisla's eyes and said:

De Riera listened to the blessing, and I saw him thinking about a moment, then repeated:

"Is it missing in the palace ?? =

Decreme thought that although the palace was big, but everywhere was patrol guards, this loss - personal is very difficult, how can this Linda be missing ??

However, at this time, I saw De Riera suddenly became a light-flash, and said to the words:

"Linda is hard to come to the ground?"

You listened to this, hurry out the Overview of the Royal Palace from the pocket of the top.

This total is on the blank place - there are twelve, it is the forbidden place, so I don't want to think, immediately, I will go to these blank places.

But you haven't left, and you will take the arm by Decila. At this time, I saw De Riera very seriously looking at him:

"Mr. Zo, you don't worry! You are only the entrance of the ban! 10

De Riela's eyes are very good, even if it is just -eye, you can also see what you are in the map in your hand.

And You listened to Draira, so I quickly asked:

"Just entry? J

The map of this palace is only so big, what does the entrance to the ban??

De Riera heard this, did not show any hesitation, just like himself:

"The entrance to the palace - a total of twelve, each - the huge labyrinth that will lead to the nation of the palace in the end. Although they are connected to each other, they will not find the way they can't find it at all !! You have found it forbidden, and you will also lose the direction of the horse !! "