Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and Twelfth Wars Ji Section 564

However, in Aarren, I didn't know how to be good, I only heard it - I was extremely loud, and I was filled with the voice of the king:

"Who is you welcome to my army ??

This sound came from Aaron, and this sound sounded in an instant. I saw that the group of soldiers in Yalun were instantly separated to both sides, and the owner of this sound made a road.

At this time, I saw that I wore gorgeous kings, leaving purple broken, and the appearance of a handsome man came out of the crowd.

And this person just appeared, he saw Yaron Horse Welcome to:

The man named Lazas in Aaron is the kingdom of Kense, is also the only king of the Kingdom of Kentus.

After Laziss heard Yalun, he said:

"Don't give gifts in special circumstances, I just want to know how it is now!"

Aaron heard the big king asked, immediately replied: QE II

"If I go back to the temple, I have gone out of the two black shadows just now. I thought it was the ghost, and I commanded the soldiers to put the arrow. Where did I find it is the Temple of Draira?"

Aaron said that he was very unwilling to see the position of the blessing and then continue:

"Hey, black iron. J

Lazashi listened to Allen, huh, huh, said:

"That is, you are wrong, you can't see the arrow, if you really hurt Delira, I am afraid that this is the crime you can't afford!

Aaron heard here, just low heads, whispered:

However, when everyone thought that things came here, I saw the Razerse Sudden Dram - turned and said to You:

"Aaron is wrong, but I can't hear it when I just didn't hear it."

Said, I saw Lazis to look at the fire behind him, then said:

"I just said that people who are welcome to my army are you ??"

The army led by Aaron is affiliated to the Grand Prince Raz, so he said to be welcome to this army.

This is a provocative behavior in the eyes of the Razith of the Big King. , The

Lé Lats said that Drai Ramera has walked to the front of Laziss,


"Big Brother! Mr. Zuo is unintentional, please please don't ask Mr. Yan."

Although Derila is looking for your love at the moment, he actually wants to save the Lats and want to save the kingdom.

You is what exists, and the Drangi is already a number. This, if you are angry, I am afraid that the entire kingdom must be destroyed.

However, the king of the royal family is not invaded, but the words you must say this in front of Laziss, you must be responsible for this sentence.

So Lazus just looked at it:

"Since Derrel, you are so good, then I will open a grace, as long as you kneel in front of me, say" Sorry "this thing."

Razery knows that it is black, but it is unclear how powerful.

In the eyes of Lazas, people are not enemy, your black iron, even how strong, how is the strength, and how to be high-minded, I am afraid that it is impossible to pass the enemy's tens of thousands of army.

It is precisely because you are black and iron sky, so Laziss is even more mistaken, because only this can highlight the majesty of his king.

At this moment, everyone in the scene knows that as long as you have a mistake, no conflict will happen.

However, everyone didn't think of this moment just to look at the Laziss simple and let's say a word:

469. Go home to sleep

Youyi said that everyone listened to the original place, and Laziss, who was went back, was anger.

As a kingdom of the kingdom, as a kingdom, the throne heir, never dared to talk to him like this.

He said not only to say, but he said in front of him, in front of the army of 20,000 people!

This kind of insult is that people like Laziss can have it!!

Therefore, after hearing this-word, I saw Razelith looked at the eyes and then said to the army behind him.

Lazas is the only heir of the throne, one person, the number of people, the number, no one is not.

Lazash is going to kill a person, just Zhang Zhang, the person will be part of the body behind a moment.

However, there is such an authoritative Lazis, how did I not think that after myself issued this order today, no one has implemented, even the most trusted Aaron is also standing in the original place, no one - silk to act the meaning of.

Lazashi is very unfinished, I saw him very uncomfortable to watch Aaron around him, asked: