Ilis said, Gu and Esset looked at the direction of Alice.

This village is not large, the house is broken, and it is a waste of waste. But at this moment, the smoke floated above the village, and some people live here.

Essens looked at the floating smoke, took a step away, and the powerful wind attribute magic was transported, and they went straight to the village direction.

You didn't block it, after all, he knew Essens worried about his sister's safety.

Just rushing out in Essen, I saw Ilis looked at the back of Essen, and I couldn't help but ask:

"Is there a sister or your brother feel?"

You heard the problem of Ilis, I thought about it, replied:

"Nothing to feel, although sometimes you are more troublesome, Mushan wants to see her. But when she really encounters trouble, she will not hesitate to help her."

For example, I accidentally fried a suspended city.

And Alice heard that he had an answer, he was slightly horrified, said:

You heard the problem of Ilis, recalling Long Yes, then smiled:

"There is something, although she often doesn't go home. Rog J played

When I heard this, Ilis silently looked at the back of Essensi, quietly:

"I really want to know what kind of feeling with your loved ones."

At this moment, Essen has come to the outside of the village, but I haven't waited for him to step into the village, and I saw that the arrow is shot directly from the top of a house, inserted the position in front of his feet.

At this time, I saw a man wearing a brown head towel, holding a bow, standing in the roof:

"Sorry, the front road is not passing, please ask you to go to the road."

The man who holds the bow is very bad, and when you dress up, you can judge what he is [Shaoli Mission].

After all, the Shami mercenary group always likes to show the group emblem to the outside.

Essens at this time, saving your sister, seeing this man has no more nonsense, directly controlling the sword hanging on the waist, just shooting out to the man.

Yan Jian flew out, spread the air, this sword directly inserted the man's sore throat, did not give him a half a bit of breathing opportunities.

At the moment when the man was killed by Flying Sword, I saw that countless arrows flew out from the roof at the same time, shot from Essen.

Many arrows, covering the sky, there is no room for Essens to dodge.

However, Essens did not want to dodge at this moment. I saw him lifting it. It was a powerful magic to spread around him.


And in this - instant, I saw that the arrows of the sky were all in the air.

Just in the next second, I saw Essens slightly, and the arrow suddenly turned in the air, and then all along the flight of the flight back.

This moment, I only heard countless sounds from the direction of the house, and after those scraped, there was no arrow to fly out.

Essens is the legend, and the legendary power is so.

At this moment, the village sounded the corner of the alert, but Essens did not shrink. I saw him controlling the sword, and it came to block his enemy to kill all between the moment.

This village is not very big, Essens quickly - people killed the village's positive center.

At this time, I saw a hand-wrapped bandage, and the people holding the giant ax suddenly jumped to the front of Essens, and the ax came over Essen, and the people who waved the giant ax were the day. You hit Nort in front of the gate of the palace.

Nold This ax has been hiding by Essen. At this time, I saw Essen's angry eyes and shouted to Nold:

"You boy! My sister is not taken away by you !?"

Nold is just huh, just huh, smile, said:

"The stinky head is your sister ?? Long is completely unlike!"

Essensi heard this, and then determined that Nort is a guy who took his sister.

And this moment, the endless anger is in the heart of Essen, which broke out. B

In an instant, I saw Essente controlled their own sword, and shot out to Nort's throat.

Essent's "Flying Swords, so far, no one can pick up his sudden empty - sword.

And his power of this sword is even more great, even if it is a thick armor, it can also run through it in an instant.

However, such a sword, even in the instant of the hit Nort, he passed by him with a bandage, and the front was taken down.

This grip of Nort, the hand is directly held on the sword of the sword. If you change it, it is a common person, let me say that this sword can be sent to hand.

Even if you can't take it, the five fingers who have grip the sword will also be cut by the sharp sword.

However, at this moment, Nelt not only passed his handshake, but the hand of him holding the sword is no injury.