Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and 1220th Festival 720

At this moment, I saw the white dress, the petite Luo Su is hand holding a long sword, standing in front of the shock shrimp, and said to the break and shrimp:

"You will go to other spirits, this few old men will give it to me !!"

Broken herb and shrimp hesitated without any hesitation, immediately raised the reins, holding a long gun, rushing into the crowd of the fight.

At this moment, I saw that Luo Su was holding the long sword, and said the ghost old man who was exhibited [black mud war]:

"Your old man, I'm caught, I will sneak my younger brother is ??

And this old man saw Luo Su Su's saying that it was laughed:

"Although I don't know what the way Luo Fang has used your spirit to reshape it. But your strength is still in the old or staying for seven hundred years ago. And I am here. The continuous cultivation between seven hundred years, now I have long been today

Luo Sulin heard this, immediately bite his teeth, then shouted:

"Mom! If you are not your helmet, I am a ghost king. Now I will break you first - I have a soul to sacrifice, wait, I will go to find other bad old age, one, pay! ! "

In the past, there was a very careful of the ghost king. However, this is the bad old man and I don't know how to explore the news that I want to advance the ghost king, and report it to the ghostwear for other forces. In this way, I was sanctioned by three ghost king forces.

Nowadays, Luo Su will return to the return of the spirit, that is, it is necessary to find these bad old age - one of them is calculated.

At this moment, I saw the old man of the ghost one hand - wave, instant - a more huge, more black monster appeared in front of Luo Su.

The monster formed by the black mud is not only huge, but also the enemy, I have a moment, and the surroundings are still killed by them, they have been caught by them. It is all in the body. . And the monster formed by this black mud actually became bigger after swallowing these spirits.

However, it is only a lot of experience and shallow spirit and Wu Ling. The princes with other reactions are immediately returning to the side and surprised:

"The rotten mud" put this [filthy mud]! What is the role of the other party ??

At this time, I saw a ghost of the people of the Wolf, said: death and small cure

"That is Lu Lu Su! I have half a step ghost king for seven hundred years ago, - people pick four ghosts and can also swim, and finally the Rakshae king shotped her soul."

That Lingzun heard this moment - stunned, and asked surprised:

"Since it has been broken, then why do you still appear here?"

At this moment, I saw the ghost charm of the Wolf people shook his head and said:

"Unclear, but I think 80% is that Luo Fang is ghost .j

Although Luo Fang only appeared in the Millennium, her reputation was very loud. Not only because of her gods, the military and policy, or because she can refine the soul of the yin.

And in addition, Luo Fang also has a lot of incredible things to help spiritual cultivation. So, at this time, everyone saw Russen Lingzhi, the first thing I thought is not that high, no people have seen Pluto, but this is close to Luo Fang.

At this time, the Russell is facing this whole body to exudes a strong and unmounted [filthy mud] has not retired, but the longjac in the hand is slightly closed.

The ghost-level strong person called the rotten mud saw that Luo Su Su was a long sword, laughed and said:

"Use sword attack ?? I tell you! This [filthy mud] can be swallowed out of all things, unless you are too strong than me, it is possible to use the sword to break this sludge. Otherwise you are like a toothpick The sword blade does not hurt my sludge - root mill. "

However, Luo Sulin did not pay attention to the words of the ghost old, but a slightly closed eyes.

"The knife, the soul of the heart, the heart of my heart, that is, the blade of the blade. Although the heavens and the earth are big, but there is no feeling. Therefore, there is no problem in the world. Death

Just when Luo Sui missed these, the [filthy mud] has slowly came to Luo Su Su, and the people around him were afraid of being injured by the filthy mud, so they did not dare to close.

At this point, the old man who controls the sludge is auspelling to meditate these strange words in the mouth, and the laugh is said:

"Have you buddha? - What is the strange thing? Isn't you a child's hugger in the millennium?"

Although Luo Su Sui did not pay attention to this old man on the surface, but her brow had already frowned.

At this time, I saw that the old man said:

"Why don't you have a sword? Is it hard to be prepared to be willing to be swallowed by my sludge?"

Luo Su Sui heard this, instantly, then angry, said:

"Mom! Your old man is dead !! I can't concentrate!!! You tickly have [], this pile of mud is from the mid !!"

At this moment, that huge [filthy mud] has already fluffed from Russeus.

Luo Sulin saw immediately, and jumped to this [filthy mud] over, then the long sword was empty, shouted:

"I don't care !! Go to the knife of him, the soul! Anyway, just let the husband, what can be cut! See my ~~~~" [Extremely easy]

Russell ruins, I saw that Daohan slammed from the sky, and the moment of changing the [filth mud] became two paragraphs.

581. Flame Elf

Rose Su Su's empty sword, even if [filthy mud] was cut into two halves. First

At this moment, everyone around, including the rotten mud of [filth], surprised, is surprised.

It is important to know that this [filthy mud] can be the strongest magic of the genus in the monster of the dead. Anything that is touched by this filthy mud will be swallowed down. Therefore, all the weapons are hitting this [filthy mud], will be swallowed instantly by this sludge, and no traces of a dot.

But now this Russell is actually a sword to make this [filthy mud] into two halves, which can be a unheard of things!!