Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and Twelfth Wars Ji Section 739

I heard the head immediately, then looked at Charlotte in front of you.

The coco just aware of the apostle's claw token from Asen, but she didn't know why she had to kill, but she never knew, and Aeemans have never told her.

I have had countless speculation, but no matter which one - species, I can't stand the feet. Therefore, you can only think that your family has sinned the apostle, so it is only killed.

However, when the cute heart was hooked by Charlotte, I saw that Charlotte suddenly ignited a powerful purple flame.

Then, he saw that her eyes suddenly changed sharp, and also said at the same time.

"Let's defeat me, I will tell you the truth !! Because the weak doesn't know the qualifications of the truth at all !!"

- Time can be silent, and the entire hoe tower is also in this instant to fall into the dead.

At this time, I saw that the corner of the mouth was slightly raised, and then whispered:

It is said that the body is suddenly trembled, and the moment is rushed to Charlotte. In the cute-moment, - the purple flame that is strong enough to shock the soul, it is immediately burned on her.

Just in just a second in just one second in the heart, her hand has already condensed a long sword that burns the purple flame.

This can have the sword of the purple flame and the sword of Ai Yan with the swords. Different parts, only one is the fire in the world, one is a purple.

However, the sword of this epithany has a more powerful destructive power than the sword of Ai Yan.

However, this is such a strong destructive sword, but it is attacked to Charlotte - instantly, she took her hand.

2 port this small note I

Without any magical appearance, I can't see any empty auxiliary. This woman named Charlotte will directly grasp this sword of this phytitis in this kind of tender and delicate hand.

I have a shock in my heart, I think myself, I can fight against the "cattle criminal". But why this Charlot is just a simple use of one hand, and it is no injected to the injection.

However, when I was shocking, I saw that the Charlotte's mouth was slightly raised, and smiled softly.

"Don't lose it, my future generation, this battle method is still similar to me that year."

I heard this, I also laughed immediately, and then used a hidden tone, replied:

"That is really my pleasure !!!"

After reading it, I saw a hand that reached out and immediately released a purple fireball in Charlotte.

At this moment, there is a distance from Charlotte, and no one thinks that you will have this long-distance explosion magic under such a short distance.

In an instant, I saw a purple fireball cracking, set off a whistling.

It is a physical fit, take the wind and retreat for dozens of meters.

However, I haven't waited for the footsteps, I saw that because of the smoke generated by the explosion, I actually flew out nine like a snake.


When these nine purple fire snakes, the interleaves are staggered, and the long drive is straight, and it is unpredictable. In the moment, it is scattered in an instant, and finally I only see this nine fire snake occupies nine different orientations. come.

I could see these nine fire snakes, and immediately put together, summoned seven purple flames whose weeks were summoned around themselves.

[ ]

Next moment, I saw that seven flains around the cockroaches were scattered from seven different directions, hit the seven strips in the nine fire snake.

- Time, fire snake bead, two powerful flame power instantly collide, set off a flame of the road in the air, and transparently transparently the purple light of this original dim.

One second didn't arrive, I saw the sword in the hand in my hands once again, and I won the remaining two purple fire snakes in an instant.

At this moment, the coco feet finally stabilized, and I saw that she stood in the moment, and she was ready to attack Charlotte again.

However, I haven't waited for a step, she felt a heat wave enough to melt the soul, rushed to myself.

When you look at the direction of the warm wave, I saw the sky in the dust of the sky - a unparalleled posture.

The owner of this figure is in the moment. It is a huge fireball that is like a purple sun.

595. Full hard

The flame rolling, could look at the top of the purple sun, so I felt a strange burning sensation in my body. First

This burning is not a feeling of simply flesh being burning, this feels in the virtual inclusion of true, in real, it is so burning. At this moment, this purple epitheal is not a flesh, but the most fundamental soul of the biological.

I have previously refined the ambiguity, so it is reasonable that this purple flame should be impossible to bring this feeling. However, this kind of soul is so true that this kind of soul is so true, so strong.

At this moment, Luo Fang saw this scene and immediately stopped in front of the children, then shouted:

"Plugal ghost king !! Please think twice, this is the only blood in this world !!"

However, Charlotte heard this, but said cold and cold:

"Isn't this it is already in the world? What blood is still talking? And ..."